Vampire Fetish

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"But why are there so many?"

Dinner was long over with and mom and Patrick went to bed. Lacey, Lydia, Jake, Evan and I were gathered in the living room around the fireplace just chatting and "bonding". It was my mom's suggestion and of course, Pat backed her up on it to stay on her good side. On the bright side, they did leave us with the keys for the liquor cabinet since we were all legal to drink.

Jake was the first one to hop on that and grabbed several bottles of tequila and whisky from the cabinet to bring into the living room. My hand landed on the first bottle of cinnamon whisky he set down on the table, earning a look from Evan. I questioned him with my eyes as if asking what his problem was. I knew what mine was, I fucked my step-brother. But he didn't seem nearly as freaked about it as I was.

Lacey had put on music from her phone and we all passed around our bottles, slowly getting drunk and just talking about random shit. At one point Jake sat next to me and pulled my hair away from my neck and at that point I was just too drunk to care about his prying eyes.

"There are so many because-" I slurred out, "he is apparently has a vampire fetish."

Evan, who was just taking a drink from his bottle, sat up choking and set the bottle on the table. I smiled to myself but got a bunch of confused glances from everyone else. I just shrugged. If they didn't understand it, it wasn't my job to teach them.

Evan glared at me as his breathing reached normal again and I chuckled to myself as I brought the bottle of whisky back to my lips. Lacey was watching me with curiosity, "What is that?"

Evan kept glaring at me and as I opened my mouth to explain, he cut me off. "Don't you dare! She is still innocent. I want to keep it that way."

I just smiled and took another sip. I was really way too drunk to keep talking anyway.

"Alright, I'm heading home." Jake stood from the couch and wobbled until he sat back down next to me. "Or not."

I laughed and looked at him, "I don't think mom would allow that if she were awake right now. You should stay in your old room."

"Yeah, probably a good idea." He stood again and stumbled down the hallway to his childhood bedroom.

After he left, Lydia stood up with her phone in her hand saying her boyfriend was out front and she needed to go. I walked her to the door and waved goodbye as she got in the car. I was really going to enjoy having sisters that I could hang out with.

Now, if only I could figure out the brother situation.

Speaking of, I felt his presence behind me, too close for comfort as his hands grasped my hips, pulling me against him.

"Why did you lie to me?"

I pulled away and turned to face him, "I didn't lie to you. I've no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I must be mistaking you for someone else, her name was Valerie!"

"Shhh... keep your voice down. Your sister is still in the living room."

"She's asleep." He pulled me against him and slammed his lips against mine reminding me of the night we spent together. I kissed him back, my mind going blank as I felt his hands pulling up the bottom hem of my dress. The sound of my fishnets tearing is what broke through to my consciousness.

I pushed him away, "Fuck, you can't do that!"

"Why not? We already did."

"I'm going to be your sister. This is wrong!"

"But you're not yet." He reminded as his arms went around my waist again.

I pushed on his chest to keep him away so I could think clearly. "Stop it, Evan!"

"You're so hot when you're mad." His big hands wrapped around my hips and lifted me onto the countertop. Looking me dead in the eyes, his fingers travelled up my thigh and through the hole he tore in my leggings. "I could never see you as my sister when I've seen how you look under all this." He gestured to my outfit while his other hand rubbed slow, sensual circles on my clit making my head drop to his chest, my hands fisted in his shirt. "When I've heard the way you sound with my cock inside of you."

"Fuck, Evan!"

"What did I say about those dirty words, hmm?"

Without another word, he pulled his jeans past his hips and pushed inside of me right on the counter in my mom's kitchen! I knew it was wrong. It was so, so wrong but it felt so, so right. Every thrust had my eyes rolling to the back of my head and I leaned back on my hands to give him better access. His left arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to the edge of the counter and his right hand pulled down the top of my dress to allow room for his mouth to explore.

"Oh fucking shit! Evan!" He pulled his mouth away and clamped a hand over my mouth to keep me from waking our parents.

"As much as I would love to hear you screaming my name, you don't want everyone to wake up, do you?"

I shook my head and tried to be quieter as he slammed into me over and over. I felt my orgasm building as his expert fingers rubbed my most sensitive spot. "Cum for me. I want you to cum all over my cock."

At his words, I was surprised that I could cum on command and felt his cock twitching inside of me as he came with me and then a thought occurred to me.

"What the fuck, Evan?"

He pulled away from me, slightly freaked, "What now?"

"You didn't wear anything?"

"Oh." He took two steps back, "Oh, fuck." He ran a hand through his hair and quickly pulled his pants back up. "I'll be back. I'll go get that pill. What the fuck is it called?"

"Plan B?"

"Yeah, that." With that, he ran out the door to his car and I was left alone sitting on my mom's countertop with "freshly fucked" written all over my face.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I decided a shower would be a good idea while I awaited Evan's return and when I was done, I put on my pajamas and went to sit in the living room to wait for him.

Only twenty minutes had passed since I'd sat on the couch when I heard the front door creak open. I turned my head away from the TV and met his eyes from where I was seated. He nodded and went to the cabinet to grab a glass and fill it with water. Bringing me the water a pill, he sat next to me and watched as I swallowed the little pink pill.

"You were right, by the way."

I looked at him, raising one brow, "I know. But about what?"

"The biting fetish." I nodded and he reached over to move my hair away from my neck, "I like the way they look on you, though."

A fierce blush crept onto my face and I closed my eyes to focus on making it disappear.

I opened my eyes and glanced at him and noticed he was looking at my pants, a slight smile on his lips. "Is this why dad calls you 'Hannah Banana'?"

I looked down and felt my face heat as I realized I was wearing my monkey and banana pajama pants. Yes, indeed he was right. Patrick did see me over a video call wearing these exact pants.

His chuckle was deep and had me wishing I wasn't as sore as I was or that he was my soon-to-be brother.

"You know we cant do this again, right?"

His eyes met mine, humor glistening in them, "Yeah, sure. We'll see about that." His hand rubbed my thigh, getting dangerously close to my point of no return before moving away entirely. "I'll let you get some sleep. It's two in the morning. I'll see you tomorrow."

"You will?"

"Yeah, I will. We have a wedding to plan, remember?" He winked at me as he rose from the couch and made his out the front door.

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