Doctor Visit

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That night I had dreams of running through the woods as a child like I used to. This time, though, a small sandy-haired boy was with me. We ran around chasing each other and laughing. I climbed to the top of a really high tree and giggled when he tried to follow but was too afraid to climb up. I had tried to teach him how to climb the tree but soon found out that he had just fibbed so I would come down and he could kiss me.

I awoke confused and disorientated, a frown etched on my face. Sighing, I tried not to think too hard on it and decided I would go for a shower. Unfortunately, my ankle was still not cooperating with me and I had to limp to the bathroom. I sat on my mom's shower chair for the entire shower since I couldn't put weight on my ankle.

When I was done, drying off and getting dressed, I limped out of the bathroom and to the top of the stairs where I just stared at the stops, willing them to turn into a slide.

"Need a hand?"

"Why are you always here? I thought you had a business to run."

A frown graced Evan's angelic features as he studied me, "I think the hotel is doing fine right now. I don't need to be there every single day. I trust my employees to keep it running smoothly."

The hotel?

"You own that hotel? The one that-"

"Yes, I own that hotel. Now do you want my help or not? You seem like you're still in a bad mood."

I sighed, "No, I'm not. I'm fine and yes I could use a little assistance with the stairs if you don't mind."

"Any excuse I get to touch you," he whispered as he lifted me into his arms. My face burned red at his words and I'm sure I was still looking like a tomato when he settled me down at the dining table. "Do you want something to eat?"

I watched him sift through the cabinets, curiosity burning my tongue but not enough for me to speak the words.

"Where's mom and Pat?"

"They went to a cake tasting. Amy asked me to come look after you what with your gimp and all."

"So, we're here alone?" I rose a brow at him.

"Don't get any ideas, Red. I'm not fucking you until you're healed." He closed the cabinet and turned to me. "I'm not trying to injure you even more." His eyes dropped to the red tank top I was wearing that dipped low into my cleavage. "But you sure make it hard to resist sometimes."

"What if I said it was my birthday?"

That caught his attention, "Is it now?"

"Uh-huh. Officially twenty-five."

"Well, happy birthday. I'm still not fucking you." I groaned in frustration at his stubbornness. "I thought you were against this whole thing anyway. I'm going to be your brother, remember?"

"I don't need a reminder. And yeah, I was against it, at first."

His interest peaked, "What made you change your mind?"

That stupid dream.

"I don't know. I guess I just figured 'fuck it'. I mean, it's not like we're actually related."

"I don't buy it."

"What isn't there to buy, Evan?"

"You're sure you're not just using me to get over your ex back in the big apple?"

I opened my mouth to speak but couldn't argue with him. He was right, in a way. Or at least, that's how it started. I needed a crutch, and he was more than willing to give it to me.

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