Showing Our Feelings

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I stepped out of my bedroom, exhausted from the talk I just had with Lacey. I sat with her and rubbed her back, even gave her something to change into and she fell asleep on my bed. I tried to get as much information out of her as possible, but she was too shaken up to talk much. I did find out that he was the father of the baby she aborted, though.

Evan saw me coming downstairs and stood up from his seat on the couch. "Is she okay?"

I looked at him in disbelief, "No, Evan, she's not fucking okay. She was just raped! She's a fucking wreck." I ran a hand through my hair, "But I managed to calm her down and clean her up. She's asleep now, so, don't go in there!"

He just looked at me in awe, I don't know how it was possible but even after everything that had happened that night, he was still looking at me like I was the only woman on earth. "Valerie, I'm about to tell you something and I know it's probably a really bad time and you're probably going to freak but I need to get it out. Look at me." Too exhausted to argue, my eyes met his and he said, "I love you."

I blinked once. Twice. Three times.

"You what now?"

"You heard what I said."

I stepped back a few steps. "Man, I got to stop drinking." I turned around to leave but not before he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him.

"Don't run from me. I knew you were gonna freak." He wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head and I just stood there like a stick, numb to the world.

Pulling away from him, I asked, "Who was the guy?"

His jaw clenched as his eyes went dark, "My dad's brother."

"What?!" How long has this been going on for? Her own uncle impregnated her?

"Did she say anything to you about this before?"

I sighed and pushed him onto the couch, "We need to have a little talk."

"She did, didn't she? And you didn't tell me anything?!"

I sat on the couch next to him and prepared to tell him about the one secret I told her I wouldn't tell anyone. It was too important now to hold in it, though.

"She told me something, but it wasn't this. She wanted me to keep it a secret. It was her condition for not telling anyone about us."

"Of course, it's always an ultimatum with her."

"She was pregnant, Evan. With his kid."

His eyes met mine, "Motherfucker! He's going to die tonight." He went to get up but stopped, "Wait, what do you mean 'was'?"

"She had an abortion. I didn't know who the father was at the time; she just said neither of them were ready for a kid."

"I can't believe you didn't tell me!"

"At the time, it wasn't any of your business. If she was having sex, got pregnant and had an abortion but still wanted everyone to believe she was a virgin, then that is her full prerogative. Had I known the details, I definitely would have said something."

"Hey! There you guys are!" Lydia came bounding into the living and gave us a strange look, "Where's Lacey?"

"Oh, she wasn't feeling good, so I told her to go nap on my bed."

"Oh, well you guys are going to miss the slideshow video we put together for our parents. Come outside and watch it with us!"

"Alright we're coming." I stood from my seat and Evan followed behind. As we stepped outside, I could see a white screen was set up where the altar had once been, and people were seated in the chairs they claimed for the ceremony.

Patrick was standing in front of the screen, trying to get everyone's attention. "Attention, attention, everyone. Thank you for coming to share this beautiful day with my wife and I. It means so much to us that you could be here to witness the joining of our two families. My two daughters, Lacey and Lydia have put together a little slideshow video for us as a surprise and wanted to share it with our whole family. So, without further ado," he gestured to Lydia who held a small remote in her hand. She pointed it at a window in one of the upstairs rooms and pressed a button.

A beautiful tune began playing from the speakers next to the screen and the first image was displayed. It was of mom and Pat holding each other at some sort of event with lots of other people around. Fireworks were bursting in the sky behind them that told us it was probably on the fourth of July. That image dissipated and the next one showed Pat sitting on the couch with mom leaning over the back with her arms wrapped around his neck, both of them smiling like goofballs.

After that image disappeared, the screen went dark, confusing everyone, including Lydia who was pressing buttons on the remote, trying to get the video back. The next thing I hear froze me to my spot and I felt my blood run cold.

"You make me fucking crazy." It was Evan's voice coming from the speakers now and I wanted to run out of there because I recognized when he said those words. The next thing I heard was the sound of my moaning and then the camera focused, showing the two of us in the lake. "Yeah, that's it. Let me hear the pleasure I give to you."

What the fuck is this? Lydia! Turn it off!" Evan was furious and yelling at his sister.

"Fuck, Evan. I need you." My voice purred again.

"You have me, Red. I'm all yours, baby."

My mom's eyes locked on me, confusion and rage written all over her expression.

"I'm trying, Evan! I swear this isn't what I planned!" She looked to me then back to him, "I didn't even know you two-"

"Evan, fuck!"

"Lydia! Turn. It. Off." Rage was rolling off of him as his sister still fumbled with the remote, not knowing what to do.

Exasperated, he turned and ran into the house, probably to find the projector.

Lydia was watching me, not knowing if she should say anything.

"That's right. Say my name. Tell me who owns this pussy."

"Oh, god. You do!" The last image that played was me kissing Evan and that's when the video cut off."

My mom stood from her table; her eyes were trained on me as the crowd made a huge fuss over the video. She was going to want to talk to me, to scold me and I just couldn't deal with that right then. So, I did the one thing I knew how to do best.

I ran.

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