Secrets in Fashion

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"Hannah! Wake up, Hannah! It's eight o clock!" I woke up in my childhood bedroom with my soon-to-be step-sister shaking me.

One of my eyes popped open, "Lacey?"

"Wake up We have to go get your mom's dress! There's an appointment an one hour!"

"Shit!" I sat up wiping at my eyes, "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

She shrugged and turned to my closet, rummaging through the little bit of clothes I brought with me. "Here, this will cover those hickeys." She threw a white turtleneck sweater at me to which I threw back. It was one that I left behind when I left and probably wouldn't even fit me anymore.

"I'm not wearing that, it's too hot outside and its probably too short anyway."

"Not when I'm through with it." She winked at me and returned from my closet with a black pleated skirt that stopped just above my knees. She reached for she sweater and ran out of the room, only to return thirty minutes later with a shirt that looked almost nothing like the old one.

"Oh my god! How did you do this?"

She smiled shyly at me, "It's kind of my talent." She shrugged. "My mom taught me when was young, before she-" She looked sad for a moment, "well, never mind. Just put it on!"

I did as she said and paired it with the black skirt and checked myself out. The new version of the shirt still had the turtleneck but the sleeves were cut off, stopping at my shoulders and the bottom hem, that was too short anyway, she trimmed even shorter to show off my stomach.

"Oh my god, Lacey! This is so cute! Thank you." I hugged my sister and she squealed.

"I'm so glad you like it!"

"Like it? I love it!"

She reached up to fix my collar and gave me a small smile, "Sorry my brother is a complete caveman."

My eyes widened just a fraction and my face paled, "What do you mean? He seemed okay."

She gave me a knowing smile, "When Evan first started dating, he used to bring girls home when our parents weren't home and they were covered like this." She gestured to my neck. "He thought nobody noticed, but I did." She stopped and dropped her hands, looking down shamefully, "plus I kind of heard your conversation last night when he came back. It just clicked together this morning. The way you reacted when dad introduced you."

I didn't know what to say. How does one reply to being found out that you slept with you step-brother?

"It's alright. I'm not going to tell anyone. You guys aren't really related, after all. I'll keep your secret. But you have to keep one for me."

"You have a secret?" I was genuinely surprised. I thought Lacey was an innocent little virgin.

She nodded, "I do. But I need you to promise not to tell anyone. It is of the highest importance."

"I promise. You can trust me."

"I'm pregnant." What?!? My eyes widened realizing she was the only one that didn't drink the night before.

"I thought you were-"

"A virgin. Yeah, I wanted everyone to believe I still was. I don't like other people in my business. But I like you, I feel like we are soulmates, but as sisters. Soul sisters."

I felt a smile tug onto my lips, "But how do you plan on keeping this a secret? I mean, soon you're going to-" I made a motion with my arms to show a bigger belly.

She sighed, "Yeah, I'm going to have an abortion. I'm not ready for a kid and neither is the father."

I nodded and a thought occurred to me, "How have you kept your boyfriend a secret for so long?"

She sighed, "We are just really private, you know?"

I nodded but something didn't feel right. I know I only knew the girl for a day but it felt like she wasn't telling me something. But it wasn't my place to pry so I didn't question it. She would tell me when she was ready.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The day was spent going to store after store looking at dress after dress and mom was still undecided on which one she wanted. She wanted the perfect dress, she said that this was the last time she was getting married so she wanted to look beautiful for her groom.

"But mom, you're already beautiful and I'm sure Patrick will think the same even if you walked down the aisle in rags."

My feet were aching from all the walking around. We had been to about twelve different stores outside of city limits. Eureka Springs didn't have any bridal shops. It was now three o clock and I was basically begging her to go home. Lacey looked at me with understanding and linked her arm with mine.

"Thank you, honey. But you're just trying to get brownie points, I know you too well. We have one more shop to go to and-" She stopped abruptly and I caught her staring through the window of a nearby shop. The manikin in the window was wearing a light pink dress covered in lace in the shape of flowers and stopped with a ruffle at the mid-thigh. It wasn't a traditional wedding dress but it was enough for my mom to run inside and buy it.

"Finally! Can we go home now?"

Mom was beaming, "Yes, we can!"

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