Chapter 1 - "A pitch-perfect Frill-Neck Lizard mating call!"

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"It works!" Alex shouted from the desk in the corner.

"The radio's working?!" I asked in shock, I never thought he could get that thing to work!

"Never underestimate an Anderson, my dear Stella." He says while giving me a smirk. I give him a small smile before looking back at my book.

That's the one thing that I didn't like him saying. Don't get me wrong, I love this old man like my own family but whenever I would ask him if I could do a certain task, like helping with the radio, he would always refuse, saying that "only an Anderson can do this stuff, you wouldn't understand" or something along those lines. I tried to never let it get to me but it was hard sometimes.

I've been on this island for a little over two years now. It started when Alex found me on the beach unconscious and brought me back here, to our treehouse, and nursed me back to health. I didn't who I was or how I had gotten there but I knew that I owed him my life. After a while, he named me Stella since I had no memory of anything from before the accident. The only thing I had was a necklace with a golden coin on it, I was wearing it when Alex found me.

Throughout the years, I've educated myself about this island and how it was the land that 3 different authors wrote about. I also learned about the animals and all the locations here, one of them being Atlantis! I must admit that it was strange to hear that the animals were opposite from where Alex was from, but that's the price to pay for having no memories. Alex told me stories of his home and has become a grandpa figure to me, just as I've become like a granddaughter to him.

Some time ago, Alex had the idea of building a radio so that he could send out a message to his grandson, Sean. I knew of the hurricanes that were constantly going on around us so I didn't support him at first but eventually, he convinced me that it was the right thing to do.

"The coded message has been sent! I hope that he'll be here in a few days' time..." Alex trailed off.

"Have faith, Alex. If he really is as smart as you say, then he'll figure it out and be here soon." I reassured him.

"You're right, my dear. What would I do without you?" He smiled at me.

"Well, I was thinking you'd turn into one of those men who paints faces on rocks and pineapples and then talks to them." I joked, chuckling to myself.

"Well, I'm sure they'd listen better than you." He shoots back, laughing to himself.

"Ouch!" I dramatically grab my chest and laugh along with him.

"Well, Stella, I'd say it's time for bed. We've got a few things to check up on tomorrow, not to mention, grab more fruit for our coming guest." He said to me, getting up out of his chair.

I placed my book down on the table next to me and stood up out of my chair. Alex walked over to me, giving me a hug and kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight, dearie." He says before walking over to his bed, turning his sign to say "Do not disturb" and shutting his curtain.

I walked over to the middle table and lowered the shades over the lightning-bug-filled jars before heading to my own bed. I climbed up the ladder and opened the hatch at the top. I climbed up and closed it behind me, giving me my privacy. Alex built me a room above the main area using some ship debris so I could have my own personal space and bed. He left some holes in the top so that I could see the stars, one of the things that I loved about this island. I got into bed and closed my eyes, my dreams filling my head minutes later.


A few days later...

Alex and I were walking through the vines when we heard the screeching of an animal, specifically a Frill-Necked Lizard, one of the most dangerous animals on this island. We both looked at each other, knowing that we needed to investigate. We continued walking towards the noise with caution.

Journey to the Mysterious Island -- Sean Anderson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now