Chapter 9 - "Let's see what you got, Captain Angel. "

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Angel's POV

Hank was outside the Nautilus wearing Dad's mask, banging on the rail of the edge of the ship, trying to grab the eel's attention.

"It's not working, the eel's swimming away." Sean said to me.

"Here, use this to bring it back, they hate lights." I said while handing him the flashlight from his backpack.

He quickly turned it on and started shining it through all the windows. The eel immediately got upset and started swimming toward us.

"We gotta get him to the front!" I yelled.

Sean quickly started to go from port hole to port hole, luring the eel closer to Hank. But he lost it in one of the holes and stood at the window, looking for the sea creature to appear.

"Come on, where are you?" Sean exasperated.

Suddenly the ship shook and the eel appeared outside the windows, seemingly banging the side of the ship in aggravation at the light.

Both Sean and I fell over but I quickly got back up and helped him back up. We quickly went over to the big window and showed the light through it, behind Hank.

"Come on, Hank! Come on!" I cheered, knowing that this was going to be the only chance we have of getting out of here and rescuing everyone else.

We waited in anticipation, not knowing what direction the eel was going to come from.

It suddenly appeared further away and started to swim toward Hank at an alarming speed.

"Hank!" I warned.

"Do it now!" Sean warned after me.

Hank brought up the harpoon in hand and then threw it toward the sea creature. It pierced its mouth which allowed Hank just enough time to get out of the way.

"Yes!" Both Sean and I cheered.

I quickly ran back to the power button and pressed it, the machinery started whirring again but it was a lot louder this time. All of the power gauges leveled up and the lights came on just the way I remembered them, turning on one by one leading to the back of the ship. The lights outside the ship turned on and I could hear the wings of the sub adjusting and turning. I smiled and jumped up and down. Sean grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

Hank emerged from the top of the stairs with an accomplished smirk on his face.

"Let's see what you got, Captain Angel. " Hank teased. I sat down in the Captain's chair and started up the propellers.

Everything my father and John had ever taught me about this sub rushed back to me and I flicked the correct switches and grabbed the throttle.

"Hold on!" I teased before steering forwards, the boys grabbed the rail and held on as the sub started forward.

"You know where the guys are right?" Hank asked.

"Yeah, and I know just how to get there!" I smiled. "I know these waters like the back of my hand!"

We quickly made it to the cliffs only to see them crashing and breaking into the water.

"Are we too late?" Sean questioned, afraid.

We all scanned the water for signs of our friends.

"There!" Hank pointed forward. I could see the three holding arms and pointing toward us.

I quickly reached over and opened the hatch below, knowing that would be the easiest way to catch them. I quickly steered above them and caught them. I hit a few more switches which allowed the water to leave and the pressure to adjust. When the green light came on, I hit the button allowing the door to be unlocked. Sean quickly went over and opened the door for them.

Journey to the Mysterious Island -- Sean Anderson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now