Chapter 4 - "I know the phrase 'Only an Anderson' better than anyone here."

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"Yes, dear?" Alex said, Hank and everyone else coming around too.

"I um, I wanted to show you something. I wanted to see if it meant anything to you." I tell him.

"What is it?" He asks, intrigued.

I dropped the coin in his hand and he looked at me confused.

"I don't understand, this is just your necklace." He says.

I shook my head and then pulled out my own coin from underneath my shirt. I took it off and handed it to Alex.

"I found that one in the grotto on Captain Nemo. That one's mine. They're exactly identical." I state. Hank, Sean, and Alex's eyes go wide both in shock and confusion.

"Let me take a closer look." Alex pulled out his small magnifying monocle and started to look at each coin closer.

"Why would Nemo have a coin like yours?" Kailani asked me.

"I'm not sure." I state, not knowing what to think.

"What is the coin? Money or...?" Sean trails off.

"Our best guess was a token or just simply jewelry. I've never seen any currency like this so I wouldn't think it'd be money." Alex answered.

"How long have you had this necklace?" Hank asked me, looking over to the coins again.

"Well, when I washed up on the beach, all I had were my clothes and that necklace. I don't know about anything before then but Alex found me with it. But now I don't know what to think of these identical coins." I told him.

"Nearly identical coins, Stella. I found a difference. You see here, in the middle of the coins, they both have an eagle, but hidden in the pattern of the eagle's feathers, there is an initial. On Nemo's coin is an 'N' and on yours, there's an 'A.'" Alex states.

He holds out the coin and monocle for all of us to see and low and behold, he's correct. He handed my necklace back to me and handed Nemo's to Sean.

"I think the question we should be asking is why Stella has a coin that looks like Nemo's." Alex said.

"Maybe the journal says something about the coins." Gabato suggested. I was impressed with him for finally saying something smart, no offense.

"Good thinking, Gabby." Alex said. "Let's all head back to the grotto so we can get better light."

We all head back to the place we were before and gathered around a fallen piece of stone.

I gave Alex the journal and we opened it together. Sean was right behind me, his body almost pressed against mine, looking over my shoulder while Hank was beside Alex, not so close. The pages were covered in his handwriting and a couple of sketches were littered throughout the journal.

"Man, that guy had some terrible handwriting." Gabato said causing me to chuckle.

"Looks like Sanskrit." Hank pointed out.

"Close. It's Hindi." Alex said.

"Yeah, Nemo's from India." Sean added.

Visions of markets and Indian people lining the streets filled my head, but vanishing moments later. I shook my head in confusion but brushed it off.

"It says here that the Nautilus is in a basalt cave on the other side of the island, just under Poseidon's cliffs." Alex reads from the book.

Alex and I make eye contact.

"We know this place." Alex pointed out, gesturing to me and him.

"Okay, that's where we gotta go." Hank urged.

Journey to the Mysterious Island -- Sean Anderson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now