Chapter 7 - "The island is sinking faster than we thought!"

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Hank pulled down and cut some long leaves for us to sleep on, that way we're not sleeping on the hard ground. I tried to help but I became super dizzy, I guess all the adrenaline wore off, I can feel my fall. 

Alex added some more wood to the fire and we all settled down for the night.

I finally took everything in.

I am Captain Nemo's daughter.

I've somehow been brought back to life by a crystal that I've never seen or heard of.

I couldn't stop thinking about how I ended up like this. Was this supposed to happen? What would've happened if someone else had gone to do it? All of those questions rang in my head.

I finally stopped thinking about what could've been. I had to focus on right now, which was getting off this sinking island by finding my Dad's submarine. I felt the wind on my arms and couldn't help but shiver at the cold. My head throbbed in pain. I groan in pain and grab it with my hands.

"You okay?" Sean whispered.

"Yeah, just cold and my head hurts. Plus I got a lot on my mind." I admit.

"I don't blame you. It's a lot to take in. And I wish I could help the dizzy issue." He apologizes.

"Yeah, but I guess I'd rather be dizzy than dead, right?" I say and shiver again.

I didn't know what was happening until I see Sean get up and move his leaf next to mine.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"You're cold. And I have a blanket, so I figured we could share. Is that okay with you?" Sean asked.

"Yeah, that's alright." I said, trying to hide the fact that my face was as red as a tomato. I turn away from his gaze and look at the stars.

"Your ankle feel okay?" I asked him.

"Better than before but it still hurts. Is it only your head that hurts?" He asks.

"Yeah, it makes me feel dizzy sometimes. And hey...thanks again for saving me. You always seem to be there." I say, smiling.

"What do you mean?" He asked, turning to face me.

"You pulled me out of the crawl space before it collapsed and then you saved me from falling to my death." I simply state with a chuckle.

"Well, I'll stop saving you when you stop ending up in those situations." He mocked with a light chuckle, aware of the sleeping bodies around them. He turned away and looked back up at the sky.

I yawn as the day's events settle in. Sean then yawned too making me chuckle. I give him a funny look.

"Yawns are contagious, shut up." He nudges my arm, hitting the wrapped cut, making my face contort in pain.

"Crap! I'm sorry!" Sean whispered-yelled.

"It's all good, I forgot about this cut honestly." I admit.

"Yeah..." Sean said.

There was a beat of silence and I couldn't tell if he had fallen asleep or not until he spoke up, signaling that he wasn't.

"Can I make it up to you?" He asked me, turning to me once again.

"Huh?" I ask.

"Hurting you, can I make it up to you?" He asked again.

"Uh, sure?" I asked, not understanding where he was going with this.

"I have an idea. Once we get back to where I'm from, let me take you out to dinner or something." He offers.

Journey to the Mysterious Island -- Sean Anderson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now