Chapter 6 - "Yeah, what happened to 2 and 3?!"

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Everyone looked at me in confusion while Alex looked at me in awe.

"You think you're Captain Nemo's daughter?... I think you hit your head too hard Stella, you should lay back down and--" "No!" I interrupted Hank's banter.

"I believe her." Alex spoke up. "It all makes sense; your matching necklaces, your mysterious knowledge of Atlantis, and you showing up out of nowhere."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but, I believe her too. I mean, sure, it's completely crazy but what isn't on this island." Kailani defends me.

"But as Alexander said, that would make you a hundred years old." Hank notes, still not fully convinced.

"You can test her." Gabato says from behind Hank.

"What?" Hank questions.

"Yeah! Grandpa, you're the only one that has read the journal, you can fact-check her." Sean says, turning to Alex.

"Not a bad idea, but not here. This part of town is even more dangerous after dark. Not to mention we still need to get you fixed up too." Hank advised.

"Okay, let's get you both up." Hank said.


It was only then that I realized Sean's ankle was all purple and swollen.

"Sean, what happened?" I asked him, still looking at the wrap.

"Oh, uhh, after I saved you, I left you with Hank and Grandpa. But the bird was still after us so I flew the bee in the other direction and got the bird stuck in a spider web. I got knocked off my bee after that and went flying, I think I dislocated my ankle." He explained.

"I never thanked you for catching me, so... thank you. And I'm sorry about your ankle." I told him gratefully.

"It was no problem and thanks. I just wish I had caught you before you..." His eyes look away in shame.

"I'm kinda glad you didn't, otherwise I wouldn't have my memories back." I said, seeing the brighter side of things.

He smiles at me and we're both pulled up off the ground. I feel super sore but I can walk just fine. Sean couldn't though, he needed to use his stepdad and Grandpa as a crutch to help him through. Before we started towards a safer part of the jungle, I found a stream and washed my blood-soaked hair and the cuts on my arm.


After an hour or two of hiking, we finally made it to a safe area. My entire body was sore and I was exhausted. It's not like I fell out of the sky and hit a huge branch or anything! Sean looked exhausted too, his ankle was killing him and it still hadn't been popped back into place yet.

"Okay, this place will do for tonight." Alex said, stopping and wiping his forehead.

"Finally, I'm tired!" Gabato complained and plopped to the ground in dread.

Kailani rolled her eyes at her dad and then grabbed the first aid kit that was in Sean's backpack.

"Has the swelling gone down?" She asked, handing Hank the kit.

"It's dislocated pretty bad. We might be here awhile." Hank stated.

Kailani sighed and pulled on her Dad's arm. "Okay well, we'll go get some water and some food."

I nodded and told them "Good luck." before they left. I looked back over to Sean who seems to be in more pain than before.

"We're gonna have to pop it back in, buddy." Hank told Sean.

Journey to the Mysterious Island -- Sean Anderson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now