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"Thousands of words, hundred of emotions, infinity of colors failed to describe your beauty from my eyes."
"I am sorry" I heard a faint whisper in my ears. A wet touch on my forehead made me open my eyes. I saw aditya sitting beside me holding my hand in his but his eyes are closed.

I am so confused. I don't know anything about this men than why I feel so safe around him? Why my parents don't like him? Why he is so sad? And most of all why I am in this condition?

I will find out as soon as this cast will be removed from my legs. Today we are going to Mumbai. I tried many times to remember everything but everytime I saw nothing but some blurr images and a pair of blue eyes. I very well know whom they belongs to.

In a day I become very close to all of them. Mumma-papa, dev bhaiya- jiya bhabhi, yash bhai and his wife. Aaditya, this man is so confusing he never left me for a minute. Sitting beside me for whole day and treating me like a princess of heaven. I can see he is not so soft and patient with others by the way of his speaking than why with me?

If he loves me so much that why my family didn't like him and for what he is sorry? I nee..

"Scarlet" chain of thoughts broke by his voice. I looked towards him who was already looking at me with a smile.

"Good morning" he wished me. I smiled at him and mouthered  a small good morning.

"Why you woke of so early? Is it paining somewhere.? I will call the doctor." He panicked and stood up.

"Adi stop." He stopped rooten at his spot. Did I said something wrong. No I didn't. Slowly he turned back and came closer time.

"What did you call me?" He asked in a shaky breath.

"Adi..oh am sorry. You didn't like it I will not call you aga....he cut me of immediately.

"You can call me adi"..he said and smiled at me. I nodded my head.

"I am fine, I am just tired sitting on this bed. Look I can also stand" saying this i tried to jump from the bed but he immediately pushed me back and yelled at me.

"Are you stupid mahi? Can't you see so many cast and bandages. Just look at your back it won't take a minute for all the stitches to open. All the time just trying to seek or jump. Silly girl" tears started pooling from my eyes. He is bad I thought wrong about him. He will always shout at me.

I felt a finger under my chin, I looked up to see him looking at me with regret in his eyes. I pushed his hand back.

"I am sorry scarlet. It's just I got a bit repulsive, I don't want to see you in that pain..I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you but like always I did. Please don't stand once your cast will be removed I will take you everywhere you want." He wiped my tears and sighted. I looked up him and saw him standing up.

"Mahi I think you should go with your parents." He was about to leave.

"You really want that? You want me to go with them?" I asked him. There was a silence in the room before he spoke again.

"yes I want you to go with them." He said and moved out leaving me all crying. Why I am so a cry baby. He really didn't care about me? Why I forgot everything?

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