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I am extremely disappointed from the response on last two chapters. I felt very demotivated.😔 I was unable to write anything from past week. Sorry for the delayed update.

"I was so wrong yash. I shouldn't have touched her. She is lost but I remember each and everything." Rubbing his fingers on his forhead he glanced at his friend sitting in front of him.

"You are so confused man. First decide either you want her to stay with you or leave you." Yash answered patiently.

"I want her but I can't have her." He whispered in a pain stricken voice.

"You can't change the past aditya but try to make the future inviting. May be God has written something more beautiful than this for you.

Anyways I am leaving for London tonight. Take care of Alisha. I will be back as soon as possible." He is very angry from his wife despite her several attempts of apoloziling.

"Be careful"...he reminded him to which he nodded and left.

His was feeling a different type of guilt building inside him from past two days. That kiss has been eating him from inside. He knew that once mahi will get her memories back she will never forgive him.

Today he decided to meet her doctor personally to ensure that she is doing well.

Opening her I pad He saw her applying nail paints upon diya's nails. He shook his head and smiled at her. He always keep a check upon her to ensure. That she is safe.

He remember the day when he first time came to know about Mahi being aman oberoi's daughter.

He never expected her to be a multi millionaire's daughters. She is the heiress of oberoi's. But she proved that she don't require any name to prove her worth.

The day when they went to meet uncle Mathew and aunt lily they both are hell shocked when they a certain someone face's younger version. More beautiful and innocent.

(For reference read chapter-24)

"Tell me uncle what do you wanna talk about?" I asked him sitting upon the couch present in the room.

"Mahi.. are you sure she is orphan. I think I know her parents." Uncle answered making me confused.

"How can you come to know about Mr. and Mrs. Verma?  As much as I know you two can have no connection." I told him

"Oh my child I am not talking about  verma. I am speaking about aman and naina oberoi.

It can be a coincidence that she look exact copy of naina. But as much as this old eyes can depict I not wrong." He said thinking something deep. He went towards a old cupboard and took out some pictures.

"Here, have a look." He showed me some old pictures. I looked at them kneely. There are two girls and two boys in the picture. Laughing and walking hand in hand together.

"Me and aman were best friends from our high schools. When we entered the college our hearts swoon on these two beauties Lilly and naina.

Aman being more immature did a mistake. Naina was pushed into teen pregnancy. As the news spread in the college naina stoped coming to the college. Aman's father sent him to study abroad for studies. After that I never Heard about them. That was a full stop of our friendship." He stopped with a sad smile on his face.

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