Lenna's POV. 5

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        It's exhausting.
    My work.
       But somehow I loved the process.
    I increased the traffic within a few weeks, earning more bonuses I never thought I would get.
     My name got known and my coworkers congratulated me for it. And besides being invited for a night out with them, I was also obliged with another girl to come to tonight's meeting, where our bosses and higher rank people discussed a few matters in front of us. All we had to do was to observe obviously, since it was the mandatory thing to do for new interns as a way to learn more about business deals just like Ivan said.
      I remained in my office the whole afternoon on an ordinary Saturday meanwhile, I waited for the night to take over. I waved at everyone as they left early, including Dave, who reached out to hand me a cold drink to survive the rest of the evening.
I typed on my computer, taking advantage of the time to get ahead of a few things I need to deal with on Monday.
As soon as my phone vibrates, reminding me that I must leave upstairs, I grab everything I need: my phone and a few noting papers in case I must write something important. I finally leave upstairs not before sending a message to the girl who is supposed to go with me. But my eyes widened at her delivered text.
'Sorry I went home. Nausea.'
Oh, God...am I going to be the only woman in there?
Anxiety hits me and I swallow harshly at the thought. I quickly get inside the elevator and click on the number 'twelve', my hands shaking as it begins to move.
I pull my leather skirt down as well as my long sleeve and high-neck black shirt. My stare falls on my thigh-high boots til a small sound echoes, and the doors open.
Taking a deep breath, I begin walking through the endless hallways looking for the massive conference room I'm supposed to go to. My eyes catch a glimpse of eight men gathered at a rectangular black table, and that's when I halt my steps.
I clench my jaw, shyness spreading through me, as I knock on the door and I make my way in.
Make this meeting quick, please.
Suddenly all eyes are on me and I remain speechless until I find the courage to do it.
"Good evening."
None of them speak, silence taking over again. Their eyes scan me and I begin to feel intimidated and scared of what I'm supposed to do.
I feel like I'm 'no one' in here.
"Good evening, Lenna, " suddenly a male says, the same one that sits on the end of the table with a smirk on his face.
My eyes widen at the good-looking man that wears a black suit, and has a beard...and...
The same man I fucking kissed!
Oh, God.
I kissed my own fucking boss?! Well, is he Ivan's bosses, boss? Or does he only have an important position here? Business partner...or?
The thought hits me and it seems like he does as well recognize me. Very clearly.
"Where's the other intern?" He asks. Leaning back in his chair, his eyes scanning my body.
"She got sick, " I nervously say.
His eyebrow tilts and doesn't say anything else. He just keeps staring.
Is one of those looks that feels like he's really undressing me with those...eyes.
I glance at the other men that seemed to be doing the same meanwhile, others just got back to their phones.
I clench my jaw and avoid their looks by quickly walking towards the side of the room, to sit on a chair, far away from them.
From him, I mean.
I cross my legs and keep my stare on my papers waiting for them to begin talking.
As soon as they do, I take my time to finally lift my gaze and pay attention to them. My eyes go between each one of them, noticing until now how old-looking they are, except for three guys and the man I kissed.
The meeting begins with each one of them giving detailed information about their own areas: sales, new projects...results...
Each of them sharing it shortly, detailed and coldly to the rest.
They shift from one topic to the other, making me feel interested and uneasy by the way they use their own terms and agree within seconds of an important consequence.
I keep my eyes on the other guys that seem to glance at the hot-looking man for approval. The same one I feel he keeps staring at me.
I try my best to ignore his presence but it's hard to when curiosity wins over any of the many emotions I'm feeling right now.
After a few minutes of gathering my courage, I glance at him, and I realize he is not looking at me.
I sigh in relief.
I'm just making everything up. Maybe all those fantasies I've recently had, affect me.
I return to look at the other men and my body releases tension as time passes by.
I find myself drew away by a topic until he calls my name.
"Ms. Salinger."
I turn my head and look at him, a grin showing on his face. "Come and sit closer." He tilts his head. "Seems like you are invested in the topic."
He glances at the man sitting beside him and in a matter of seconds, the bald guy lifts from his chair to bring another one for him. The men scoot over and they all glance at me again.
"Oh I'm okay right here—"
"I wasn't asking Ms. Salinger," he interrupts me.
"Right," I murmur, already embarrassed of delaying their discussion.
I straightened and quickly left my place to sit right next to him.
"Better?" He continues.
No one daring to talk.
I nod and quickly return my gaze to the others who seek approval of him before resuming.
"Ms. Salinger, " he repeats in a lower tone, making my body shiver.
Oh God.
I slowly look at him, his intense gaze burning me up with pleasure and lust. "Yes, Mr. Huxley?"
He leans closer, not hiding his interest in me. "What do you think?"
My body tenses. "About the full payment plan for the new apartments or the local payment for the small businesses?"
I sense the hard gazes on me, but my eyes remain on him, somehow feeling protected under his gaze.
"I think it's poor thinking plan, " I whisper to him.
He furrows his eyebrows and grins. "Don't be afraid to say what you think." He glances at them. "Say it out loud for them to hear."
I clench my jaw and do as am told.
"Sir I don't think—"
He lifts his hand, and returns to look at me. "Go on...say your reasons."
He nods at me, assuring it's fine for me to speak and I do. I take the chance even though they might not care of it at the end.
"It's absurd to offer these apartments to college people. Requesting for a full and expensive payment in a short period, when they barely have any money left after all those fees they have to pay, it's an abuse. Yeah, they are nice and everything but you are just doubling your profits."
I look at him, as he patiently waits for me to continue. "And regarding the locals for small businesses, you are basically taking advantage of them, when they are barely starting or looking for an opportunity." I shrug. "At least you should give them a few weeks for a trial."
"She has too much to learn, " someone says.
"It's all business, this is how things are, " another exclaims, already annoyed.
I lower my gaze not able to hold longer after their comments. I swallow my thoughts and finally place my unfazed expression to them.
"She's right."
My breathing slows and my heart slips.
"She's still a college student and I believe she has worked for or has a small business, so she knows what those people are looking for. What they need, " Luke adds.
"What they need is a place. If they don't have something else, they'll just take it, no matter the price, " the old guy continues.
"Exactly, " the others agree.
"And leave them with a debt that can cost their lives?"
They remain silent, exchanging disapproved looks between them.
Luke sighs. "Let's continue with the other matters."
They all nod quietly and begin again.
For the rest of the meeting I remain silent and focused on the others but from the corner of my eye I feel his stare on me, again. I even locked eyes with him two more times before looking away from the intensity he gave. My heart thumped way too loudly in my chest I knew he could hear it.
How could this stranger still have an effect on me? Why did he want to hear my opinion?
Once the time turned into nine, he finally dismissed everyone. He remained in his seat with his head facing down, waiting for everyone to leave.
I quickly rose from my chair but froze when he spoke again.
"Running away from me, darling? Again?"
     I bite my inner lip, eventually glancing at him again.  "Thought you wouldn't remember me."
   I'm unable to move, but somehow I manage to keep self-control.
"It's hard to forget our kiss, " he smiles, straightening, leveling himself in front of me.
I blush at the way he confidently said it, and he fully notices it cause he smiles as he scans my face.
"When did you figure out I was working for you?" I quickly change of topic.
         "Saw you once walking into my building but I wasn't sure if it was the same woman that had drooled over me." 
       I laugh bitterly, unable to believe what he had just said. "Drooled over you?" I slugger. "You think I'm attracted to you that much?"
            "So you are attracted—"
           "No I'm not," I cut him off, realizing I had just admitted it.
     I turn around to leave already but then I swirl and finally ask, "Are you, my boss? Cause if you are not you're tempting me to insult you."
         He smirks and walks slowly towards me, his hands on his pockets, looking way too desirable for any woman.
          "I am your boss, Darling—"
          "Lenna," I correct him.
          "As I was saying sweetheart..."
     I roll my eyes.
         "You are in fact allowed to insult me. Call me whatever it pleases you, just keep that beautiful mouth controlled when needed."
My jaw drops and I laugh again meanwhile, he opens the door for me.
"When needed?" I ask, already enraged from his words."
"I have my limits, sweet Lenna. And you seem like you may overpass them."
        "You don't even know me, Mr. Huxley." I cross my arms once I get to stand in front of him.
        "I know that you kiss sweetly." He glances at my lips and my breathing quickens.
      We remain looking at each other, and my need of kissing him so badly takes over me.
           My mouth suddenly goes dry and my legs are weak as he comes closer.
          "Goodnight, Mr. Huxley." I slide past him and ran towards the elevator, not able to do it cause of fear that It might be more than a kiss.
          "Wait, " he exclaims already following me but thankfully the elevators door had closed on his face, with a grin of amusement.
      I sigh in relief, my hand resting on my forehead. I struggled to relieve tension but his heat and look lingered in my body like stains.

A kiss did that to him?! What does he really want from me?

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