Luke's POV. 21

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     The flight felt too long.
  The space we shared grew too intense between us. And my wonder of why we kept doing this fake dating with absurd reasons behind it, was endless.
      She sat way too far from me but I guess it was for the best. She might slap me again if I was nearby.
Never thought fake dating included being loyal towards each other, but I did it to prove myself how serious my obsession with her really is.
And the more time I spend with her just to make her comfortable is affecting me. I'm liking her more. The way she can be soft and sweet, but also reckless and obnoxious, makes me want to see what other sides can she show me.
There must be more behind those sweet smiles, and harsh insults she gives.
She's a chaos that I want to get involved in. She has the right madness to make her interesting.
She's already giving me most of her emotions. Hate. Concern. Attraction. Happiness.
I want more. I want to take everything she is eager to give.
Is it her body that I want anymore? Or is it her heart?
Which am I inclined to use more?
"You should get dressed." I finally say after moving closer to seat across from her. "We are about to arrive."
"I think it's a great idea," she responds in a new sarcastic tone I had never heard before. "Actually, I want you to help me pick which dress I'll wear. You give a good impression."
She smiles wickedly before standing up and walking to the back.
Not showing a slight of care of what she chooses, I grab my phone and begin reviewing a few documents I need to validate before any decision is made. I begin reading but my attention is taken away once she surges with an off-shoulder feather shirt along with a pearl long skirt that has a high thigh split.
My eyes grew dark as soon as I noticed how high that split was.
"You like this one? Or do you want something sluttier?"
She might be the one fucking me. Not me to her. Sweet fucking mercy.
I swallowed harshly and got back to my phone.
"You can wear whatever you like, Lenna. It's your decision, not mine."
There's no way she will really wear that.
She smiles and seats back down.
"Glad to hear that cause even though you disagreed, I was still going to wear it."
I shift my gaze and look at her with eye fucking eyes.
"Good cause I can fight if any man tries laying a hand on you."
She tenses and crosses her bare legs in front of me, trying to hide something she can't even pretend not to feel.
God this woman.
"Too bad you will also be one of them."
I look back at my phone and try as hard as I can to not look at her. She looks too tempting. Too dangerous to even dare to lay a hand on her after she knew I had slept with another woman.
She's smart.
She knows my weakness with women. I know for sure she will get something out of it.
"Too busy to look at me?"
I nod. "I have important things to do Lenna before we arrive."
I was too focused that I didn't realize she had changed of seats and now she was sitting next to me.
"So I'm not important to you?"
Suddenly she lifts her bare leg in front of me and her black heels call for my attention.
She knows I love when she wears those black heels. I mentioned it to her once.
"You are trying too hard. Doesn't work that way." I smirk at her and shrug.
"Men are too easy to tempt." She lowers her heel to my thigh and I tense. My hard-on is way too obvious.
"I think it's actually working."
I try to move her foot but she shifts it farther. "No touching."
I sigh in defeat and finally glance at her beautiful legs that call for me.
"What is that you want? You want me to apologize for being a dick?"
"Not only a dick. An arrogant asshole as well."
I smile viciously. "I beg for your forgiveness. I know I was a dick...and an arrogant asshole as well but that doesn't mean I won't try harder to be a good man for you." I move until her leg is touching my chest completely. "I don't deserve you."
"You don't."
"I don't," I admit.
She tilts her eyebrows and looks at me in disbelief.
I smile wider. "Let me find a way to amend my mistake. I'll do anything you like."
I look back at her legs. "Anything."
I thought she was going to be satisfied by now and leave. But she wanted more.
Suddenly, she rose to her feet just to walk towards me and eventually place her knee between my legs. Her scent invaded my space again and felt completely under her mercy.
She knows she is in control.
She knows she has this power over me.
She knows too much.
She lowered herself to my eye level and leaned as if she was going in for a kiss. I moved forward as well but she fooled me by moving towards my ear instead.
"You'll do as I say."
      I smile darkly and this dominant, feminist side of her makes me realize I have a new kink.
        "Whatever you say, my love."
Before she could move I went forward and licked her neck, which made her almost fall above me.
"But don't forget I can manipulate you the same way you do with me."
Her breathing quickened and an unfamiliar need to play with her settled in me.
"Who's fault might it be? The tempter or the tempted?" I whisper sweetly.
I clench my jaw wishing she gives in right now, but she has more self-control than I could ever have.
"Let's find out then."
She straightens and leaves again.

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