Lenna's POV. 13

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     The glances increased over the past few days. We encountered each other more.  And voluntarily.
       Sometimes he wore white shirts only. Then the blue ones came and the black ones at the end.  Sometimes he walked alone but other days, their assistants followed him behind.
      He came more frequently to my floor. Pretending to be here for work purposes only, talking to a few of his employees for a checkup chore. He seemed busy or at least looked like he was so, I never went near.  
What for? Say Hi? Yeah no.
    Although I yearned to hear him speak, our staring game, turned into a dialogue filled with words that seduced me profoundly. It felt more intimate than his words will ever be.
     And we were getting good at reading the eyes of each other. It reflected our curiousness and desire.
      It was a dangerous thing. But damn it, it felt good.
      The tension and the lack of closeness, made it worse. And at the moment, the touch his eyes made me feel, seemed enough. At least for now.
       He was still right-handed and intimidating, but when he smiled—which he rarely did—I forgot that he was a completely normal person.
      The thought of him at work, and home made me doubt my own morals. His request was repetitive and insisting through email, and now phone. At least once a day, he sent the text.
    'Doubting yourself is no good, marshmallow'
     But with different nicknames.
Why does he keep calling me different names? Does he want to test my level of tolerance?
Doubting yourself is no good.
  The words hit again.
  My body wants it yet my heart fears it.
       Should I or shouldn't I?
     "Alright let's go everybody, " Cindy called on the hallway where almost everyone stood waiting.
     "Staff meeting is about to begin! Go ahead and be on the second floor in five minutes. Mr. Huxley will join us there." 
As soon as she said those words, everyone began moving, loud discussions echoing the place as if we were changing of room classes at high school.
Suddenly, the guy of human resources—Jacob—joined us at the move, spotting me with a rare look.
"Hi Jacob, " I nicely said, as we walked along with the crowd.
My eyes took over and noticed his peculiar outfit: White vans, checkered dark blue pants, and a wrinkled light blue shirt. Before landing on his eyes again.
"Glad you are fulfilling all your tasks, better than anyone else, I heard."
I shrug. "I'm doing everything I can."
"Yeah...listen, I've been caught up with work but I was wondering if you are willing to grab a coffee at lunch."
"Uhh sure," I answered shyly, looking away to grab the elevator with him at my side.
"Do you prefer after work or—"
I shake my head evidently. "No, lunch is fine."
The doors close and he glances at me with a smile.
"Do you know what this meeting is for?" I finally ask, to unease the tension between us.
"Informed and up to date about the trip taking place in two weeks." He whispers. "They will announce the three people going, besides the organizer of the event, and the mainboard."
I bit my inner lip, wonder kicking in. "Have you gone?"
"To this annual event?" He looks away and nods. "Just once. It's not easy being selected twice, but I might today."
I smile. "Let's hope you do."
As the elevator doors open, I catch Dave on the corner of the room, laughing at something with the others. I begin walking forward and Jacob follows me behind silently, the distance seeming endless to me.
I finally gather with others, and we patiently wait for the rest. It was until eight minutes later that Luke came inside, with a cold look on his face to stand in the middle of the room followed by two women and Ivan—the guy who came after me to the coffee shop.
This time he looked different. Like more enthusiastic about today's meeting, than in his daily workdays.
He wore the same outfit of our first encounter and the unusual look on his face, screamed how pleased he was.
Unlike Ivan, Luke's seriousness captured everyone's attention. It gave them anticipation of all the things he was about to say. More like worry because who would like to disappoint the boss?
At the gathering, It felt like I was hiding behind my two coworkers that stood in front of me. And I'm not going to lie, but it feels good to have a shield right now from his gaze.
The one I've been more familiar with. The same ones that hold pools of mystery and power over everyone. Including me.
"Good morning everyone, " he passively said, my body awakening at his words.
"Over the last few weeks, I've been informed of our upcoming expedition and the following event that's going to take place in the main room for all associates. The purpose of this trip is to provide these people our interest and vision for the next years."
His eyes scanned the room as he walked confidently from one side to the other.
"The managers of the hotel suggested a few activities that I've been placed on the program."
He proceeded with the plan and got into further details of what he expected us to do, requiring Cindy to be updated from all the stated requests.
I fell absorbed by his extensive vocabulary, and the tone he used. His impressive speaking skills compelled everyone as well, especially women looking at him with their flirty eyes and men with the focus and motivation they got.
Finally, Cindy took over and began calling the mainboard names and associates going, leaving the last employees' names to be called. As part of work of course, but as a reward to have a few days off still paid.
"Ivan Hall, Dave Baker and finally...Lenna Salinger."
      Everyone began clapping enthusiastically except for Luke, who stood in the middle waiting for the people called to show themselves. I glanced at Jacob, and he could barely hide his disappointment to the audience.
        I began walking forward, Ivan and Dave joining me there on time, to stand in front of Luke and Cindy silently.
   "Congratulations!" Luke said, looking at both of them except for me. "Cindy will give you the rest of the details."
We all nodded synchronically until he turned around and left. His wide back facing at me way too tempting that I had to hold back from where I stood.
"Can't believe I got chosen again, " Dave said, excitingly. His face stretched with a smile and without further reaction, came closer to hug me. "Can't believe we, " He pointed at us. "Are going."
        "I know," I said in disbelief.
   Not even I could believe what was happening. A certain feeling of concern settled in me, as soon as I realized that I must have been chosen by Luke himself. He probably was the one behind it all.
Was I chosen cause I deserved to or because he wanted me to go for other purposes?
     "Congrats Lenna! As a full-time job intern, you deserve it, " Ivan said, joining us.
     "Thanks, Ivan. I appreciate it." I smiled. "Are we supposed to—"
"Head to a meeting regarding the prep of that trip...no. Not today."
"Thank God cause I'm starving!" Dave exclaimed already walking away.
"Mind if I join you two?" Ivan followed, and I nodded.
"Oh—Jacob we'll come too. I'll go and get him and I'll meet you both at the lobby!" I already said walking backwards, in search of Jacob who still hadn't move from his spot.
"Hey, I'm glad that you got chosen," He finally said when he noticed I was getting near him. He tried to smile, but his reaction came way too forced.
"Thanks," I murmured, my cheeks flushing. "Umm...would you like to go now? For lunch? A couple of friends will be joining us if you don't mind—"
"Sure I'll catch up, you go ahead."
His tone came a bit drastic but I ignored it.
Nodding, I turned around and left startled.
Great, now he resents me.

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