Lenna's POV. 12

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"Oh come on," I argued as we walked through the night park, beside each other. "At least five questions that we are curious about. One's that without stalking we could never find out." I point at him. "No dirty questions. Let's leave the sex topic behind."
       He glances at me. "Four normal questions and a dirty one."
         "Deal." I smile, happy that I got to convince him after insisting eight times to do this, instead of having dinner together to discuss his repetitive request that I'm getting tired of.
        "Describe how you see me through your eyes. Not physically." I clarify instantly. "The question really is—" I clear my throat. "What's your impression of me?"
     He hums and in matter of seconds he begins. "You talk—way too much. About everything or anything. And sometimes you regret telling too much."
     I pout and nod in approval.
          "Too kind, too happy, " he shakes his head as if he is trying to remember. "You smile a lot. Every time I've walked beside you, you're always laughing and smiling. I don't even know how."
    My mouth tilts.
          "There's just so much to smile about." I shrug.
        "Your attitude is unusual. Even the guy of HR was left impressed. Perhaps even eager because of it." He clenches his jaw. "And Hard-working and talented woman. Even if you are young and inexperienced, you surprise me because you like to learn."
My stomach twirls with every word and a certain feeling of achievement and fulfillment spread within me.
"My turn." He continues. "When you said that your moment of success will come...what exactly do you want to achieve?" He pauses and glances at me curiously. "What exactly do you want to build, Lenna?"
"I've always wanted to have my own team. My own business. Just like you, " I admit. "Just that I don't have a world-changing idea that's worth millions of money. But will for sure, provide jobs. Opportunities?" I smile at the though. "It'll simply be like a restaurant...a flower store, clothes—anything that requires creativity."
"When do you plan to do it?"
"Not sure—maybe after graduating from college, have a job, save money until I attempt it once, and if does well, then I'll quit my job and somehow, I still don't know how I'll do it—" I nervously say between chuckles. "But I'll figure how to expand it. Til I have a great number of people to work with."
He looks at me thoughtfully and that's when I clear my throat to move on to the next question. "Your family. What's one thing you love and hate about them? Sorry not hate but—cannot handle."
"I love that they trust and believe in me. They have since I was ten."
I chuckle. "Bet your life was like 'Richie Rich' movie."
He smiles and nods. "Same life except for the loving side. They see me as an investment in their businesses. And they have always treated me like an adult instead of their own son...which brings me to the hating thing—time."
We come to stop in front of a beautiful gray fountain with lots of coins inside of it, bulb lamps lighting inside.
"They are always busy. They don't see me as a priority, " Luke says emotionless, as if he's used to it and doesn't care about it anymore.
"You never celebrate Christmas or Thanksgiving..."
"No. And I could care less about that. I should focus on more significant things like they do."
My hands tingle and I fight the urge to hug him, but it wins over me.
"I'm sorry." I hug him but he freezes under my touch. I remain right there for a while until I realize he wasn't hugging me back.
I quickly step away and he looks at me with something different in his eyes.
"Sorry, I let myself go." I bit my inner lip and blush with embarrassment.
"You don't need to pity me, Lenna. I'm used to it. And I'm fine with it now."
I remain silent not knowing what to exactly say, making it awkward between us. It was seconds later that he finally ignored it, and changed the topic.
"Next question...What's your love language?" He asks, leaning over the fountain.
"Ha-ha didn't I showed you already?" I rub the back of my head.
"Touch it is." He grins.
And I accept. "What can I do? I'm a physically affectionate baby who seeks for comfort."
He nods and fights a smile.
"Ha-ha haven't I showed you already?" He imitates me.
"Words?" I guess, tilting my eyebrow?
He slightly nods and I do the same. "Words it is." I tuck a lock of hair behind my ear. "You really do know what to say. Either they are good words of honesty to praise, or pretty telling lies that seduce a woman that easily." I grin this time. "I've noticed you even lower you tone and make it sound so—" I struggle to find a word.
"Tempting to seduce? Soft and confident to console?"
"Yes, " I finally say. "Moving on..." I straighten and begin walking again, both along.
"Do you have a bucket list of things you want to do?"
He shakes his bead instantly. "No need. I've done and traveled everywhere already."
I look at him in amazement. "Jeez. Wish I could say that. I'm still looking forward to traveling, adrenaline-rush rides, my first tattoo..."
"Tattoo?" He looks at me with shock. "Never thought you liked tattoos."
"I love tattoos. I want three: finger, hip, and one near my heel." I point at them and he spots each one. "Do you have?"
His steps halt and suddenly he lifts his left sleeve high enough from his forearm, to reveal one small tattoed word, 'Redamancy.'
      Suddenly he unbuttoned his shirt to uncover an arrow tattoo on his collar bone. Unintentionally I lifted my hands and touched them gracefully.
     I felt how he tensed as he felt my fingertips on his warm skin over and over again. My attention was completely on the ink engraved, feeling mesmerized by them.
       "Why redamancy?"
      I pull my hand away and he began covering them again.
        "It's a reminder...let's go with the next question, " he shortly said, trying to avoid the matter.
I'll keep that word in mind.
         "What's the most attractive thing you find in me?" He teases me with his eyebrows.
         "Your smile." I glance at his lips. "You should show it more often. It won't hurt if you do."
      He rolls his eyes and his lips turn into a thin line.
        We arrive at the street, filled with cars and we glance at each other.
         "What's your favorite dessert?" I lick my lips and try to hide my excitement.
      Knowing what his favorite dessert is, makes me want to bake it and give it to him, proudly. I would love to give him a piece of me. Of my passion, my time, and feelings for him, even though he does not deserve them, due to his intentions.
     Yet part of me wants to. Needs to.
          I can't help myself but ask.
    I nod.
        "I love anything that has chocolate. But chocolate chip cookies and brownies do something else to me."
      As soon as I get home I'll do them. Not for him. For me tho. But in case the time comes, I'll be prepared to bake it for him.
Oh, God. When the time comes? Am Liking him already that much?!
    I blink a few times and hum as I thought about it. "I don't have a favorite one. I love everything sweet."
      Suddenly a cab stops by to ask if we need a ride but we both shake our heads synchronized. So, he leaves.
         "Last question." I finally say, realizing it's late and I have to go home.
     A weird feeling invading my chest at the thought of leaving him.
        "The last question, " he smirks. "Ladies first."
        "Of course, " I say humorously. "What's your weak spot?"
        "It's on the neck."
      I grin.
          "Point at it." I insist and he does as I ask.
          "My turn."
         "I'm listening." I cross my arms.
      He observes me quietly until he drops the bomb. "Have you thought about me while masturbating before?"
       My teasing smile fades and I pale.
      "Have you?" He comes closer and I freeze.
  His eyes travel throughout my face and his eyes spark with need.
       "How many times have you done it?" He inquires in a lower tone, making me numb.
       "Once? A few?" he pauses and tilts his head. "Every night?"
       I instantly turn around and lift my hand to call for a cab.
         "It's okay to admit it, sugar lips." He calls from behind. "Even though you rather run away from me instead of admitting it."
       Suddenly a cab stops but I hesitate as soon as I open the door.
        "Goodnight Luke," I say turning my head sideways. "Thanks for your help, " I struggle to say.
      But before I closed the door, I hear him say with his alluring tone,  "You are welcomed, Lenna."
       I barely gave the driver my direction, but he drove away as if he understood how I needed to be away from the attractive man standing outside with lustful eyes.
       Slamming my hand on my forehead, I screamed internally. Kill me now.
       "Did he just called me sugar lips?"

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