Lenna's POV. 14

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Note: Sorry loyal readers! Been busy with college and reading other novels...

Promise I'll finish this book this month! Enjoy🖤



Asking for favors came with a price.
And the one Cindy owed me, for helping her with the marketing posters, flight tickets, decorator contact, among others, demanded a better salary.
Can't believe she's taking advantage of me now that I'm going, cause through her eyes I'm the backup she's been waiting for.
Past what she said last time to the three of us, this event was her priority.
Not us.
"Unlike you, I won't be there to have a girls's trip, but to work my ass off for this job."
Following Dave's sarcastic comment for her unnecessary bossy behavior as if we aren't adults already.
When I first met Cindy, I had insulted her in the elevator. Couldn't believe my eyes, when we got to meet appropriately the next three following days. She was still the perfectionist and bossy bitch of the place.
Her black hair was similar to Marilyn Monroe's cut. She wore the same grey suits for women that I saw in movies, and nothing more than a black pair of heels. I admit that I thought she was around her thirties, but we only had four years of difference.
Maybe work has gotten her that way. Wouldn't know for sure.
     She looked tired. And many wrinkles were beginning to trace in her face. 
My grip tightened around my pencil as I stared at the guest list that Cindy had mailed me seconds ago. A bunch of unknown names fulfilled the white page endlessly, and as I scrolled down to check on the people who had confirmed, I froze when I saw the name of Sarah Hawthorne. One of the best bakers in the world. Her entrepreneurial skills got her where she is now. A successful woman with forty local businesses around the world.
        A true legend.
      My insides twirled as emotion took over me.
   I needed to meet her, and not as a staff member serving her. But as me.
      The real me.
    The same hard working woman that is working her ass off—Cindy's words—to be successful just like her.
How was I supposed to introduce myself when I wasn't allowed to approach any of them?!
      And as if my prayers were heard, a new email popped in my inbox.
       Or more like a warning.

     From: Luke Huxley
    To: Lenna Salinger
Subject: Pending approval. Email, number 8

     Good evening Ms. Salinger,

        I apologize for the bunch of unanswered emails I've sent. But I'm getting a little impatient and annoyed with your behavior after ignoring me for the past few days.
      As a matter a fact, I think I'll need an answer from you today latest.
I'll be leaving in a few days for a business trip. And Once I get on the plane, my request won't be valid anymore. You might wonder, you won't get anything out of this, but let me assure you that with the money and power I have, I could make anything you want possible.
       Call me God if you want to, but let me help with your unanswered prayers.

              Time is clicking,
- your stalker.

My breath halted, and my hands began to sweat horribly at my own thoughts.
Should I take advantage of this?
I tried my best to convince myself that this was a great excuse to finally sleep with him cause, in the end, I was doing it for me.
For my future.
If Luke presented me as his date, and we kept our professionalism, I might get the chance to meet with her. And not only with her, but with a bunch of successful people that it's worth making connections with.
Cause in the real world, no matter how hard you try, sometimes you succeed when you get a little push or...you have the right connections.
This is my one chance and only.
My hands shook as I began to write. My throat becoming too dry to even speak my words out loud.
I clenched my jaw as I stared at my screen with the words that were going to change everything.
I hesitated and began walking from one side to the other in my office. I cursed myself a few times and tried to reason for what I was about to do. The consequences...
Oh, God. What if my mother figures out I slept with someone?! That I lost my Virginity that easily and willingly?
She'll judge me for the rest of her life no matter how sweet and loving mother she looks like.
"Well, she can't possibly know, right?! I mean, who is going to tell her?! Ha- not me!"
I laughed bitterly and took a sip of my water before seating back down in my chair. My heart thumped so loudly cause this felt like I was about to make a deal with the devil.
It felt so wrong.
I felt So poor of me.
Yet here I am.
Not caring about my own morals and willing to do it with one purpose only: for my future.
But my dark side didn't think the same. And so did the thing within my legs, with the tingling sensation.
I wantt this. I didn't need to lie to myself.
I didn't have to. But the truth hurt more than the lie.
I lifted my hand and clicked send.
I froze in my seat and waited.
The walls around me became blurry, and my only focus settled on my laptop. Whereat any moment, I'll receive his reply.
My breathing came way too shaky after a couple of minutes. It until his name showed up again, that I forgot how to breathe again.

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