Grace's Diary: Entry #1

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"Honestly, I thought it'd be done by now", I heard Freddie's voice in the hallway. I reluctantly opened an eye, the morning light blinding me and the pounding headache made me moan.

"Ugh...", I said, disgusted by my own smell. I've been drinking too much lately.

"...shut up? It's supposed to be a surprise!", Deaky's whispering voice could be heard, this hotel room walls were very thin indeed.

I felt a hand on my tight and lazily looked over Eliza, who seemed to be in the same condition I was.

"Water", her raspy voice commanded. But I was still recognizing the room. I couldn't remember a thing. I felt dizzy and uncomfortable in my skin.

I tried sitting down and taking a deep breath, but my head was still pounding.

"Shit", I mumbled, shutting my eyes and holding my head.

I saw my black sock lying over the carpet, close to the bed and then my bare legs. What happened last night?

"Are you mental? If he knows what happened—", Brian's voice echoing in the background, I couldn't here more because Eliza started whining.

"What time it is?", she asked, I replied with a small noise. A grunt, maybe. I couldn't even get out a simple word out of my mouth.

I looked over at the night table. It was eleven a.m. I got up and instantly felt a sharper pain in my forehead.

"Ouch!", I hissed and touched my forehead. This time I felt it. A big patch lying in the left side of my forehead. By the way it felt, my hair was gross.

"Mate, is your forehead okay? Last night it seemed that you hit that pole badly", Eliza said, as I looked back at her. She was sitting in the bed, her pink bra showing.

"Uh?", I said, confused. But I wanted to investigate this odd patch in my forehead, so I went to the bathroom and turned the lights on. Just to confirm that, indeed, I had something covering a bruise in my forehead.

I took a bit of the patch off and saw a purple bruise in my forehead.

"What happened last night?", I asked my friend as she was already up and pouring herself some water.

"You remember anything?", she asked, almost in disbelief. I shook my head as someone softly knocked the door.

"Gracie, love, are you presentable?", Brian's voice was heard on the other side of the door.

"Hang on", I said, loud enough for him to hear. I took a robe from the bathroom and another one from the end of the messy bed I seemed to have shared with Eliza last night.

She took it and put it on.

"No, I want to see some boobies, I never saw Grace's", I heard Freddie's voice, if it wasn't for my headache and confusion, I would've laughed.

"Shut up, would you?", Brian told him as I opened the door and saw Brian, Freddie and Deaky standing there.

"OH... my... God", Freddie said, horror on his face.

"I didn't think it would be this bad...", Deaky said, worried as he inspected my face.

"Let's jump from reaction to explanation, shall we?", I said, letting them enter the messy hotel room.

"Good morning to you too", Brian said, rolling his eyes and sitting on a small sofa.

"Sorry... good morning guys", I said, watching them sit in random places in the room.

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