Chapter 8

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After five nights in Canada and now getting ready for the Madison show, Roger had noticed that Grace had disappeared after the show. He hadn't seen her around in the backstage as Paul had taken over most of her tasks with them and riding back to the hotel with the band. He had asked Eliza about her, as she was wiping her makeup off.

"She felt unwell...", she had vaguely said as she kept wiping the makeup off his face. "Chin up--", she changed the topic as he didn't ask anything else either.

Freddie almost transformed into a furious cow if it wasn't for Paul explaining to him that Grace needed to rest for a bit since she didn't felt that well and that she would be resting at the tour bus for the rest of the night. "Well, it's okay then", he simply said before Paul would hand him a glass of champagne.

Eliza had knocked the tour bus at the same time Grace was sleeping peacefully and fully covered in her bed. "Gracie", she asked loudly on the other side of the door. "Gracie, are you there?"

But her friend wouldn't reply as she was trying to sleep off the fever than went from bad to worse since last night, when she had felt something was wrong with her body. Eliza backed out as she sighed. Maybe Grace really needed some rest, after all. She walked back to the motel where she and the other stylists had been staying at, the same time she crossed paths with Roger that got out of the after party.

The blonde girl had stopped on her tracks as she realised it was him passing her by. She looked at him getting inside of the tour bus and couldn't help but wonder what he was doing there instead of enjoying his own after party.

Roger took his shoes off so he wouldn't make any startling noises as he warily opened the door of the bedroom zone. He saw a big bundle, mostly because of the heavy covers that were wrapping Grace. He walked slowly and he found her sleeping face up as there was some sweat covering her forehead and neck. There was a napkin on his pocket that he stole from Brian's pocket after leaving the dressing room and he used it to wipe off her sweat. He then pulled a hand just to touch her forehead and feel the heat on it.

"What the fuck should I do?", he asked himself as he felt her skin heat being anormal. She had a fever that wouldn't let her feel well if she didn't take any medicine. He quickly got out of the room and touched his pockets as to assure he had his wallet with him.

The closest pharmacy on the zone was luckily a 24 hours one. He had entered as an old man had greeted him and then Roger had licked his lips while looking the right words to say.

"Is there anything I can help you with?", the old man's voice was soothing and it somehow helped him think clearly as to formulate his problem to him.

"Well... I've got a friend that fell asleep now, but she has a fever and it her skin is practically burning--", he started saying as the pharmaceutic was looking at him intently. "A-And I was wondering if there is some medicine I could give to her"

"Usually people have to go to a clinic before buying medicine... but it seems that you're not from here and I can give you something to help your friend out", the man said before turning around and searching something through the countless racks behind him, where medicine was stacked in perfect order. "This one's for the fever... now she might have some muscular pain, so I'll recommend you these... if the symptoms persist, please take her to a clinic"

"Thank you", Roger had sighed after taking his wallet out, thanking the heavens for having some American money on it as Grace had previously suggested the band. She had told them that at any emergencies at any hour, having local money would be more than useful.

When he was back at the tour bus, he had taken his shoes off again but this time he found Grace sitting on her bed as she was rubbing her forehead. Her brown eyes looked at him in confusion and surprise as she turned around slightly to face him. "Roger?", she asked dizzily.

"Eliza told me you were unwell", he said quickly while walking closer to her and handing her the pharmacy bag. "I'll bring you some water--"

She opened her mouth as to tell him something but he was quicker as he went out of the room and she looked at the pharmacy bag, eyeing the medicine inside it. She gulped down as she felt her heart flutter at his actions. He did what?

When Roger was back with a glass of water, she had blinked multiple times as he had helped her to get some of the pills out of the plastic case and then handing it to her. "Thank you...", she mumbled trying to hide her blushing face as she looked the other way, but he was staring intently at her as she drank the water and then repeated the process for the other medicine. "You didn't had to do this...", she said after he had settled the medicine nearby her bed for her to take soon.

"Of course I had to", Roger said while taking his jacket off. His plain white t-shirt was now on display as he took his shoes off once again and then proceeded to take his jeans off. Grace looked at the other way as he did so, knowing well he liked to sleep in his trousers. "I felt tired tonight, that's why I came earlier too", he lied as he climbed up his bed.

"Sorry you had to spend money on me"

"That's not a problem"

"I'll pay you back anyways"

"Just rest, Grace"

The room went silent as both of them were now on darkness after the light went off when he turned the lamp off.

"Thank you, Rog. Good night.", her voice filled his ears before he heard her moving on her own bed and maybe falling asleep again shortly after that. But he couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about how worried he was as he didn't saw her backstage, the way he ditched everyone at the party just to check on her.

The only thing that filled his mind was her, her face and her whole beauty: not the physique, but the persona itself. The way she was, between shy and courageous, two in one. The corner of his lips went up at the thought of her smile and the way the corner of her eyes would wrinkle at this action. He had just met her, yet he felt as she had been there the whole time. The band got so accustomed to her presence that her not being around was weird.

And as for himself, he found himself falling for her.

Her surprised brown eyes at the moment he gave her the medicine, her hands brushing his as she took the pill from his hands and then the way she had brushed her side bang off her sight as she tried to drink the water. His memory was detailing every single moment of it and he wondered why it would be like that.

He didn't felt the fireworks nor the excitement he felt when he was with Dominique or any other girl, the butterflies in his stomach nor the wish to prove something. He felt calm, secure and happy whenever she was around. He would often find himself thinking of her when she wasn't around and when she was around, he would try to remember as many things as he could as the night was long and many of these were sleepless.

One of his arms were now under his head as he was looking at the darkness that filled the room, hearing her sighs as she slept and he wondered how would it be if he was by her side. He turned around, imagining she was there - sleeping at his side, her mouth slightly open as her bangs brushed her forehead. If that moment was real, he would brush her hair off her forehead and caress her cheek. Her eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips... he would brush his index finger over her face, just to keep a trace of himself over her.

These feelings weren't right, he knew. But somehow, he didn't wanted to stop at all. His imagination running wild before finally falling asleep before the rest of the band would come back from the after party. But those noises didn't wake them up, they were busy dreaming in peace.

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