those who escaped (2)

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The warehouse itself isn't large, more like an oversized shop with a single loading dock on one side and a set of double doors in the front. The lot for the building is across the pothole filled two lane road and currently has in it two late nineties trucks, a shit box little hatchback, and a windowless work van. Down the street about a block is Penni's little beater. 

As one of the guards from the front steps inside I signal Sin to move. Don't know if the guy was taking a piss or what but it was the in we need. This disguise isn't the best.

A red hatchback rounds the corner, the illuminated pizza logo bobbing on top. The thing pulls into the lot across the way and out steps a ridiculous sight. The pizza boy must have been a kid still, it is the only explanation.  At six foot seven inches, this wall of brunette muscles looks as if with one wrong move the seams of the black polo style uniform shirt will rip apart. He looks like an overstuffed sausage in a ball cap, thankfully he kept his own black jeans on.

Watching him unfold from the tiny car and retrieve the pizzas from the back was stressful. The guard across the street never once took his eyes off Sin, looking for any sign he was here for something besides food delivery. After all none of the other drivers showed their bare midriff. Once the pizzas were in sight though the guard relaxed, lowering his hand from his pistol and instead walking towards Sin with a grin on his face.

It only takes a moment for the guard to cross the road. Asking something about the food before turning to point back at the building, using wide gestures like he is talking to someone who is stupid. It is a mistake of course. The man is down in an instant, neck snapped before being shoved under one of the trucks. Sin hurries across the street, pizza abandoned, as the rest of us close in.

Ice, Abyss, Dex, and Myth take the bay doors as Trigger, Sin and myself go through the front, finding the second guard in the nearby bathroom. He is easy to take out what with his pants being down around his ankles and all.

It takes nearly five minutes but we finally hear gunfire from the back of the warehouse. Not allot, two possibly three weapons. It is return fire, probably Abyss getting a bit more into it than necessary. Trigger heads that way, leaving Sin and I to clear the office. The stairway up is narrow, leaving us exposed for more than half the climb though luckily the heavily frosted windows don't show our approach to those inside.

The door isn't even locked and when I slowly open it the voices of two men clearly can be heard discussing something so intensely that they don’t hear anything else. The one with his back to the door sits on a sofa talking to another near the left corner, seated at a desk. Holding my finger to my lips I motion Sin to be quiet.

"He went back after that girl didn’t he?" The one on the couch snaps in irritation, definitely younger than Defiler, looking to be in his mid thirties. His bright hawiian shirt standing out against the dark sofa.  "He dragged us here for our nephews sake and then just up and leaves when that sniveling little hippie lawyer calls. It has to be that girl right?"

"You know it is. Its his obsession. You know how he got after she ran off to school. Just like John and the little slut with the mc in town, hellfire or whatever. D shouldn't have left but there is no keeping him away from her. Like you and what was her name again?" The man in the corner speaks as if this is absolutely normal conversation, as if he was talking about the weather. He is dressed in a three piece suit with thick rimmed glasses, dark hair, probably in his early thirties.

"Polly." The man on the sofa groans as he throws his head back, his brown hair messed and his face sporting at least a three day beard. "It isn't the same though. Autumn is…you fucking know. We killed that bitches mom, our family ruined hers. She absolutely hates D even without knowing that and has no reason to come back to that commune."

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