7.Scary woman :

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New chapter.......
"Hey jungkookie......" a girly voice squealed making the three to turn around to where the voice came from. As jungkook saw who it was he couldn't help but to curse under his breath.

The girl who is known as sana smiled widely at jungkook who faked a smile at her.
"Hey how are you kook? I missed you so much." Sana said and came forward to hug jungkook but stopped seeing the little omega in his arms.
"Seriously what is this rat doing here?" Sana asked gesturing to taehyung. The baby had already felt uncomfortable seeing sana and now hearing her words made him sad.
"He's not a rat sana and its not your problem if he is here or not" jungkook said to sana,his voice having a warning tone in it.
"But kook isn't he a werewolf and an omega on that. Why is he here with us vampires? He should be thrown out of here." Sana said glaring at taehyung. The baby whimpered seeing sanas dark glare on him. He hugged jungkook tight and burried his face in the olders neck. Jimin who stood beside jungkook wanted to kick sana for scaring his bestfriend but he held it in knowing it would be disrespectful.
"Sana,he is a werewolf and an omega itself for which there is nothing wrong. And him being here is my parents choice who are the leaders of this pack so you don't have to worry about anything about him being here."jungkook said more like growled. He knew that if he stayed there with sana more he would lash out on her. So he chose to leave from there. He held jimins hand while the other supported taehyungs small frame in his arms.
"It was nice meeting you but we have to get back." Jungkook said nonchantly and looked at jimin who smiled at him being happy that they could get away from the woman. Without looking back at sana jungkook walked back inside the mansion with the kids while sana glared at his back.
"That mut made kook mad at me. Just you wait you little shit i will rip you away from kook and will throw you out from here to where muts like you belong."she said through gritted teeth while stomping her foot on the ground.

Jungkook and the kids entered the mansion. Jimin instanly ran to sunmi wanting to tell her how the woman had scared taehyung.

Jungkook sat on the couch,taehyung still clutching him tight.
"Hey puppy....she's gone you can let go of me now." Jungkook said trying to dittach the little omega from his body but taehyung only whined and gripped jungkook's shirt tighter.

"Baby.."sunmi called out and hearing his eommas voice taehyung instantly looked at her. His lips started to wobble and he made grabby hands to sunmi who was quick to take her son in her arms.
"Oh my poor baby got scared....its ok bear. Eommas here hm." She said while patting taehyungs back who sniffled in her hold.

Jungkook watched how taehyung was crying. He felt angry at sana for scaring his puppy..yes his puppy. Jungkook had accepted that taehyung was his puppy with a ridiculous reason. Which is that he knows that he is the only one who calls taehyung puppy so that makes him his puppy.

He stared at taehyung who was now snoring cutely in his mothers arms. The poor baby had fallen asleep crying. Sunmi took the baby to his room and tucked him in. She planted a kiss on his forehead and returned to where jungkook was.

"Kook i know sana is your fathers friends daughter and we need to treat her nicely but if she ever scares my baby again i will not hold back from slapping her. So do me a favour and tell her to stay away from my baby."sunmi said with a stern voice for which jungkook nodded.

"I will tell her eomma don't worry." He said to her and went to his room.

Jungkook layed on his bed staring at the ceiling. He was sure that something was changing within himself. Something that once hated taehyung was now turing into something else like care. He was so confused as to what was happening but one thing was so clear to him that he would never let any harm come for taehyung. Afterall the little omega is the light of the jeon mansion.

The morning came early for jungkook. It was like the royal blood had closed his eyes for a minute and then it was already morning.

Jungkook did his morning routines and went to the kitchen to have breakfast. He saw his eomma in the kitchen making breakfast while jimin was standing besides her. He searched for a certain baby in the kitchen but couldn't find him. It was unusual because taehyung would always cling on sunmi in the morning. Jungkook sighed and plopped on the chair thinking about where the little omega was. As he was in deep thoughts sunmi placed his breakfast infront of him with a smile. He thanked his mother and ate the food.

Jimin came to where jungkook was and sat on the opposite chair while drinking his milk. Jungkook contemplated on wether to ask the kid about taehyung or not. At last he choose to ask because why not. It was not like jimin would not answer him.

"Jimin where is taehyung?" He asked making the boy to look at him.
"Taetae went with uncle daehyun"jimin said and jungkook sighed. So thats where the little omega was.

"Why did you ask?"jimin said to jungkook making the said male to scratch his nape not having a proper answer for the boys question.

As jungkook struggled to find a good reason he heared loud cries coming from the living room. The cries were all too familiar making him to rush there. Sunmi and jimin also followed the royal blood to the living room wanting to know why the little omega was crying.

"What happened dae?" Sunmi yells and runs to taehyung who was bleeding. His forehead had a cut and it was bleeding. Sunmi's eyes teared up seeing her baby like this. She took him in her arms making taehyung to wail more. The baby was so scared and in so much pain. Sunmi quickly went away with taehyung to take care of his wound and jimin followed them with teary eyes. He was sad seeing his bestfriend crying.

"What happned to him dad?" Jungkook asked to daehyun who sighed and rubbed his temple. The royal blood wanted to know how his puppy got hurt.
"Son ughh...i took him with me for a walk. We were walking when jaehyun came to us. He invited us to his house and i obliged to that. We went there and sana took taehyung with her. I let him go thinking sana will take care of him but she hurted him by pushing him to the ground. I saw that it was her but she argued and said that tae tripped and fell." Daehyun described making jungkook to clenche his fists. He gritted his teeth making a mental note to get back at sana for hurting taehyung.

"Dad...i know sana is your friends daughter and all but if she is evil like this then please tell her to stay away from us." The angry royal blood said his voice dripping venom. He took a last glance at his father and walked away to where taehyung was.

He entered his parents room only to see taehyung on sunmis lap sleeping soundly while a bandage was on his forehead. Jungkook stood there staring at the little fluff ball. He felt sorry for the baby. He sighed and went inside the room and sat beside his mother who smiled sadly at him.
"My baby was so tired" sunmi said gesturing to taehyung who was sleeping hugging his eommas shoulder.
"Sana caused it" jungkook said making sunmi to scoff.

"Not new to me. I knew she was always that evil bitch." Sunmi spat angrily wanting to rip sana off for hurting her baby.

"I will take care of her mom. She needs to learn her lesson and stay away from him."jungkook said while glaring at nothing.

"Yes jungkookie hyung....lets kick her leg and pull her hair." Jimin said happily while clapping his hands making jungkook to chuckle.

"Oh yes buddy. We will kick her as..."

"Jungkook,language" sunmi stopped her son before he could curse infront of the little boy.
"And you are not doing that chimmy. Your jungkookie hyung will take care of it. You will be with your taetae ok." Sunmi asks making jimin to pout but nod neverthless. Jungkook chuckled seeing the pouty kid. He ruffled his hair and went out of the room not before patting taehyungs head with care.

Jungkook went to lee jaehyuns house wanting to see the mans so called evil daughter and to put her in her place.

And the next day everyone got to see lee sana with her red cheeks which adorned the hand prints of a certain royal blood and her red puffy eyes due to crying..............

Hope you liked this chapter.......

Until we meet again......


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