Chapter Three

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I walk into the Academy hospital and take a seat in the waiting area while Sean goes and checks me in. Kayli holds my left hand while Owen holds my right. I want to be holding all my boys hands really but unfortunately I only have two. Sean approaches and gives me a small smile before tilting his head down the hall. I get to my feet and start following him down the hall, my boys and Kayli’s boys in tow behind us.

Sean leads me into a hospital room and Gabriel places my bag on the floor by the bed. Like a robot, I make my way to the bed and sit down, resting my hands in my lap, missing the contact from both Kayli and Owen. Sean, Marc and Kota leave and go down the hall to get some more chairs for everyone to sit. I’m lucky that this room is pretty large, the best thing about the Academy hospital but this is one of the largest ones I have been in.

Kayli sits on the bed beside me and rests her head on my shoulder. “I hate that you’re going through this Sang.” I don’t say anything because I hate it to, but she already knows that. “When you get better, were going to throw a big party with lots of alcohol.” My lips form a small smile, the first smile I have given in days. “And I’m going to get lots of male strippers.”

“No you’re damn well not.” Brandon says.

“And why not?” Kayli questions, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Why would you want strippers when you have me?” Brandon waves a hand up and down his body. Kayli smirks while clearly checking him out from head to toe. I turn my head away, a slight blush coming up my cheeks. So much confidence.

“Na...” Kayli says. “I need something a little more buff then you. You just don’t seem to do it for me no more.”

“Weren’t complaining last night baby.” Brandon throws back with a wink causing Kayli to snap her mouth shut, pressing her lips into a thin line and a blush taking over her cheeks. “Exactly.” Brandon sends me a grin before taking a seat in-between Luke and Silas. Silas and Luke shake their heads at him while watching me and the small smile on my lips. I watch them back, taking in their tired looking eyes, messy hair and un-shaven faces. They need to start taking better care of themselves.

The door opens and in walks Kota, Marc and Sean with chairs, followed by Dr. Roberts. “Good afternoon Sang. How are you doing?”

“Okay I guess.” I tell him.

“Good.” He looks to Kayli. “Hello Kayli.”

“Dr. Roberts.” She smiles at him which he returns.

He nods his head at the boys before turning his attention back to me. “What we’re going to do is get you in a gown and all wired up with a drip and monitors. We’ll then take you down to the operations rooms on the bed and that is where we’ll be giving you the local anaesthetic to put you to sleep for the minor operation.” I nod my head so he knows I’m following. “You may feel a bit of discomfort and pain when you come round but we’ll give you pain relief. Because of how late we are doing the operation I do suggest for you to stay in for the night but with one of you husbands being a doctor I may let you go home tonight.” He looks over at Sean. “If that’s okay with you, Sean.”

Sean’s eyes meet mine and for once I don’t see that twinkle within them. I hate seeing my boys like this. “Whatever my Pookie wants.”

Dr. Roberts nods his head. “Very well.” He turns back to me. “A nurse will get you a gown. I’ll see you shortly.” And with that, he walks out of the room.

“Come on Trouble. Let’s get your ready.” Gabriel pulls me from the bed and leads me into the bathroom. He sits me down on the closed toilet seat and pulls the hair band from my hair, letting it fall from the pony tail and over my shoulders. He opens the bag he carried in with him and pulls out a brush and slowly starts pulling it through my hair. Because of the mirror tiles, I can see him and I simply watch as he brushes my hair through repeatedly, over and over. He looks up and meets my eyes in the mirror and I have to look away because looking into the depths of those baby blue crystal eyes hurt way too much.

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