Chapter Ten

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It’s been four days since my nightmare. Things have been a little tense. I think that the nightmare was my breaking point. I had never cried so much before, even when Dr. Roberts diagnosed me and I shaved of my hair. I cried for hours, just clinging onto my boys. When I was teenager, I never really remembered my dreams and I wish that was the case for that one, but it wasn’t. Life must go on and I must continue fighting.

Yesterday I went for chemo. It’s amazing how we have just all fallen into this routine, Kayli’s boys included. I love having all my boys, Kayli’s boys and Kayli herself around me. It keeps me relaxed when they aren’t worrying about me and are able to relax themselves.

I sit at the breakfast bar, sipping away on coffee and watch Luke wander around the kitchen, cooking up breakfast for everyone. The others are just wandering around, doing their own thing. Nathan and Kota are cleaning out the pool, North is out in the garage. Victor is out in the pool house doing something on the computers. Silas and everyone else but Gabriel are out in the gym. Gabriel is up stairs, working on his next project which is my birthday dress, which means mine and Nathan’s twenty-sixth birthday is approaching quickly.

I hear the front door open and close, followed by footsteps that do not belong to any of my guys or even a guy for that matter. There is a skip in their step. I look over my shoulder just as a very happy and smiley Kayli walks into my kitchen. She’s wearing a pair of denim shorts and a black tank with a grey cardigan. A black scarf is on her head and sunglasses cover her eyes. She grins at me. “Dress. We are going shopping today.”

“We are?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

“Yes, we are. I want to do some baby shopping. I’m fed up of waiting around for my boys to get their sexy asses into gear.”

“I thought you weren’t shopping until you had your first scan next week?” Kayli has her first scan next week which would make her around the ten-twelve week mark. She rang me about it as soon as she received her appointment. I couldn’t be happier for her.

“No, Axel and the others said that, however, I want to go shopping, just to pick out one outfit in a pretty cream colour.”

Luke chuckles. “You can never buy one.” Both me and Kayli roll our eyes at him.

“It will make it feel more real then. Please Sang.” She begs, removing her sunglasses and giving me the puppy dog eyes. I can’t refuse those eyes and she knows it. “Please.”

I sigh and look to Luke for some help. He has an amused smile on his lips, knowing that I’m going to give in and that he won’t help me. I look back to Kayli. “Fine, but only a couple of hours.”

She squeals and leaves the kitchen, removing her phone from her pocket. I sigh and look to Luke. “I better go and get ready then.”

He comes to the breakfast bar opposite me and leans over, pressing a kiss to my lips. “Go and have some girl time sweetie, it’ll be good for you.”

“No, it will be tiring.” I tell him, remembering the times that Gabriel has had both me and Kayli running around the mall after him.

“Even so, it’s girl time. You haven’t really spent any time alone with Kayli since you got...diagnosed.” I hate how he had to struggle getting that one, simple word out. “Go and get ready, have some breakfast and then go and get in Kayli’s car and do some baby shopping. Talk babies, talk us...cause I know you will.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me suggestively. I playfully slap him on the arm and then kiss him once more before making my way up stairs to my room.

I brush my teeth and slip on a pretty pale pink scarf from my collection. It feels odd not being able to brush my hair and clip it back but I won’t lie and say it’s not easier because it is. I then dress into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, white blouse and my white flats. I grab an over the shoulder bag and put my phone and purse inside it before hooking it on over my head, letting it rest at my hip.

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