Chapter Nine

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Raven and Kayli got into the back of North new Jeep with us while the others went in different cars. Kayli inform me on the drive that Raven is her date for the night.

On the drive over, I sit in my seat with my back against the door and look at North. He looks really different in a suit and I like it. His hair is combed back with gel and his face is clean of a stubble. The dog tags hang around his neck and rest right over his heart. I couldn’t thank Mike enough for getting them engraved so quickly. He had said that I came in on the right day as the man who engraves them was not really that busy. Yeah I had to pay extra to have them done there and then but it was worth it.

North looks over at me for a moment before continuing to follow Owen who is in his grey BMW in front of us. “What you looking at baby?”

“You.” I smile.

He grins. “I can see that.” He looks over at me again, his eyes slipping up and down my body at a quick speed. “You sure do look beautiful baby.”

“You do too.”

“Um, little bird, he’s a man so you really shouldn’t call a man beautiful. It can damage our ego’s.” I twist a little more in my seat so I can see Raven. Kayli slaps him hard on the chest. “Ow, what was that for?”

Kayli smirks at him. “You love it when I call you beautiful.”

Even with the only light of the street lamps, I’m still able to make out Raven’s face paling slightly. Me and North both let out a bark of laughter. “Kayli tells you your beautiful?” North asks, looking at him through the rear-view mirror.

“Yes,” Kayli says, grinning. “And he loves it.”

We all laugh when Raven glares at Kayli. “Who knew that the big, scary bad boy with the tattoos was one who loved being called beautiful?” I said, shaking my head completely amused.

I giggle even harder when Raven sends his glare my way. “Little bird, I may be a bad scary boy on the outside but on the inside I have the biggest, warmest, loving heart.”

“Reminds me of a couple of others I know.” I look over at North who looks over at me. North winks at me and drives us the rest of the way to our destination. When Owen pulls up outside of a large brick house he parks his car and North parks beside him, Brandon beside us and Silas beside them.

I wait for North to get out the jeep and coming round to my side to help me out. He simply holds onto my waist and brings me down. When I’m on my feet, he holds his arm out and I loop mine through his. Raven does the same and Kayli links her arm through his.

Together, as two families becoming one, we walk up the steps out the large beautiful house and through the front doors. In the foyer, we are directed through some double doors on the left and into a ballroom which is pretty large which shows that this house is much larger on the inside then what it looks on the outside.

As soon as we walk through the ball room doors, waiters are in front of us holding trays of champagne for us which we all kindly refuse. Owen moves to the other side of me and asks the waiter to send a couple of pitchers of water our way. “So, what is this ball for?” I ask him.

“Well my beautiful wife, today is actually the eightieth anniversary for the Academy and the founder of the Academy, Mr Harold has a son, who took over when Mr Harold retired, this will to be his last anniversary party as his own son will be taking over in the next couple of months.” Owen explains.

I nod my head, my eyes scanning the room. I take in couple groups, some both girls, some both boys and some boy and girl. I take in large groups as just girls and just boys. By the looks of it Me and Kayli are the only females who are in all boy groups but then you do have to go through alot of be able to stay as a team with one bird and other dogs. I shake my head, I hate how boys and girls are called dogs and birds.

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