Chapter Eight

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After collapsing to the floor, I was immediately fused over and I hated it. Those who had dressed in the wigs, had their make-up done and dressed in the clothes went and cleaned their face, returned the wigs and dressed in their own clothes again. The fun was over and I won’t deny the fact that I was angry but because I’m one of those girls that don’t always voice their thoughts, I let it slide.

The week has passed by in a small blur. We went to chemo, sometimes we slept, sometimes we played games, sometimes we just chatted about the past, always avoiding the future. That’s another thing I hated. I wanted to talk about the future. Not a week in advance because to me, that’s the present. I want to talk about a year from now, whether I’m here or not. I want to know what the boys are thinking about the future.

I shake the thoughts away as I walk into the jewellery store hand-in-hand with Victor. I’m here to pick up North’s birthday present as it’s his birthday today and thankfully, I didn’t have to receive any chemo. “What do you want to get him, Princess?”

I purse my lips as I scan the cabinets. I have only ever brought the wedding bands I gave to each of my boys with our initials inside, all identical silver bands otherwise, not being able to be torn apart unless looking on the inside. But for some strange reason I want to get North some sort of jewellery. All I have ever seen him wear is the gold loop in his ear which I’m pretty sure he hasn’t changed since the day I met him and his wedding band. “What did you get him?”

“A car.”

I halt in my tracks and look over at Victor. “You brought him a car?” I ask.

“Actually, we all did. His jeep is done with, he knows it and we know it, and we don’t even know anything about cars, Princess.” He shrugs as if it’s nothing. “The jeep he can pull apart and put together as much as he wants when we hand over the car which Axel and Raven are bringing over tonight when they come over.”

I shrug. Fair enough. North did need a car to replace his jeep, even though he has half a dozen already. With the academy, it’s always good to have the extra ones. When doing academy work, we try and not use the ones we have insured in our names but the extra ones that belong to North where we change the plates. To everyone else it’s illegal, to us, it’s legal.

I walk further into the store, Victor by my side as I look into the glass cabinets, ignoring my reflection as I go. I have a soft rose pink scarf on my head today, not wanting to wear a wig for some reason I can’t seem to figure out. “I’m just going to look over here, Princess.” Victor whispers in my ear. I nod my head and let go of his hand. He places a quick kiss on my cheek before walking off.

I scan for another ten minutes, finding myself getting a little frustrated. I groan out loud. “Excuse me, Miss, can I help at all?” I freeze; getting a feeling I recognise that voice. It’s a voice I haven’t heard in a while, since Ashley Waters to be precise. It’s a little deeper, like, mature, instead of belonging to a teenage boy. I jerk my head up only to come face to face with a familiar one. His eyes widen as he looks me up and down, taking in my pale skin and fragile frame as I wear clothes just a little bit to big for me. “Sang?”

I smile. “Hi Mike. How are you?”

“Jesus Christ.” He mutter so low no one but be would have heard him. His eyes scan me once more before looking back up to me. “Don’t worry about how I’m doing, you don’t look so great so I should be asking how you’re doing.” He pauses for a moment, his eyes staying on mine. “How are you doing Sang?”

I purse my lips. This is something I have avoided, coming out in public as I’m recognised from Ashley Waters a lot, but no one ever came up to speak to me. I simply ignored them watching and staring as one week I would walk into the store holding hands with Silas and then the following week I would do it with Sean, within nine weeks, I had been through all the boys. “If I told you I was fine, would you believe me?”

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