Chapter Five

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The next two weeks pass by slowly. With healing from the op and my boys trying to keep themselves busy, everything just goes by in a daze. Every day I had a visit from Kayli and her boys. Raven would tend to give me a kiss on the cheek, ask how I’m doing and then go and find North and Silas. Corey would do the same as Raven before going off to find Victor. Brandon and Kevin would too do the same as Raven and Corey then go off to find Gabriel, Luke and Nathan. Marc would kiss my cheek and then go and find Kota and Axel would chat with me for a moment before going to find Owen and Sean.

I’m happy that my boys are able to have someone else to lean on other then each other. It would be good for them to talk to someone who isn’t as close to the situation as what they all are. Even though Kayli and her boys are close, they don’t see me by myself when I zone in and out of life, thinking about different possibilities even if I do keep my hope high.

Kayli and I have been working on our own little project, a video Diary. Kayli was insistent on me to have one, so that is what I have been doing. Every few days, Kayli would set the laptop up for me and I would make a ten minute video talking about how I’m feeling, what I think the boys are feeling and how we are coping together and every time I say we are coping great which we are.

We have set up camp in my room because it seems like none of my boys get much sleep when not with me. The night after I set us all up on the sofas in the living room, I didn’t sleep because I could hear North banging around in the garage. Music coming from the shed and the aroma of Luke baking. The following night I made the boys shower and then settle down in my room where yet again I read a book until they all fell asleep and that’s how it has been every night since.

However, I’m sure my boys are up to something because every time I walk into a room they would stop talking but then continue when they think I’m out of ear shot. I have asked Kayli if she knew as my boys always spoke around hers and she looked me dead in the eye and said she didn’t causing us to keep our eyes open and ears wiggling for some sort of hint.

Now I’m just making my way down the stairs as I have my first session of chemotherapy in an hour. To say I’m nervous is a good one, I’m also petrified as I’m still not sure what to expect and because this is the second to last option of getting rid of the cancer. If the Chemo doesn’t work, then I would have to have my breast removed in hope that it hasn’t spread and that is something that I do not want to happen at all.

I make my way into the kitchen where all of my boys are. I take each and every single one of them in. Owen is holding a coffee and is dressed in a casual light grey V-neck t-shirt and light blue jeans and sneakers. Sean is chewing away on a piece of apple pie and is wearing a purple dress shirt with dark wash jeans with his white vans. Kota has a bowl of cereal in hand wearing a hunter green button down dress shirt with a red tie and black slacks. North is in his usual attire of black t-shirt and jeans but has swapped his boots for black Nike sneakers with a white tick and is eating a bacon baguette. Nathan is also munching on a bacon baguette and is wearing a red v-neck with a pair of jeans that has been cut off at the knee with sneakers. Luke is wearing a blue dress shirt with only two buttons done up at the middle with a pair of pale blue ripped jeans and is currently eating bowl of cereal.

Gabriel is wearing a bright orange and yellow chequered shirt that has black stripes going down and across of the line where the colours match with a pair of dark blue khaki pants and his vans. He is munching on an apple. Victor is dressed in his normal white dress shirt and black slacks and is eating a cookie. And Silas is wearing a dark blue vest top with a pair of basketball shorts and his sneakers eating away at a sausage and bacon baguette.

It’s actually really nice seeing my boys dressed in their normal attire with clean shaved faces, styled hair and without dark circles. For the last two weeks they didn’t shower unless I told them to because they got lost in whatever they were doing to distract themselves. They all started growing a stubble that I hated so much I ended up threatening that if it wasn’t gone by today they weren’t coming with me. Of course North said the I won’t have a choice for any of them to come which I simply replied to saying that I could ask Kayli to take me and that I would tell the hospital security not to let them in. This of course then caused Sean to grin and say, ‘Pookie, are you forgetting I work there?’ I simply laughed and said I would ring Dr. Roberts to tell security himself. When they all got out of bed this morning, I reminded them of this and I’m glad they took my threat seriously. I was not having my boys in there looking like they did.

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