Chapter Twelve

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I won’t lie, my hand is clammy in Derricks as I wait for my sister to open the door. I’m a nervous wreck right now, hoping that she hasn’t sat down and thought about our encounter earlier at the store and thinking I’m not worth her time. I desperately want to get to know my sister. I would say I want to get to know her again, truth is though, I never knew her and I can’t say I did, because I didn’t. I knew nothing about her what was going on in her life, what she felt. Absolutely nothing and I can’t help but wonder if that makes me a shit big sister.

Hell, of course it makes me a shit big sister. Despite what I went through with my mother, or what Sang went through with her, we should have stuck by each other. Instead of bad mouthing her and getting her into trouble, I should have protected her, took the blame myself, but I never did. All those time I remember smiling at her with satisfaction when I saw her on her knees, or sitting on the stool before it disappeared randomly. It makes me sick to my stomach.

“Stop worrying babe. She’ll listen when you talk and you’ll listen when she talks.” Derricks wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me close, pressing his lips at my temple. I relish the moment, the feel of his lips on my skin, something I’m sure I’ll never get tired of. This man owns my heart, simple.

“I hope your right.” I murmur just as the door swings open, revealing my beautiful sister, even if she’s wearing a hot pink head scarf on her head instead of actual hair, or even a wig. Her eyes lock onto mine and I smile at her. “Hey.” My eyes go to over her shoulder and that’s when I see nine familiar faces, all of them showing mixed emotions right now. And damn, I won’t lie, my sister has good taste. Even if I don’t understand her relationship between the nine boys, I support it, especially now because she’s my sister. I meet each of their eyes. “I hope I’m welcome.” I whisper so low I’m surprised that any of them heard me.

Sang looks over her shoulder and I know for a fact she’s giving them a pleading look. I wish she didn’t, I deserve everything that they throw my way. I treated my sister like crap all those years ago when all she craved from me was love, love I couldn’t give then but can give now, if she accepts it.

Like a TV show, I watch one by one as each of their faces soften from just one simple look from my little sister. Just by that I know they are smitten with her, helplessly in love with her, as she is with them. Who knew my boring shy little sister could receive so much attention just from boys, guys, men, whatever.

Sang turns back to me, smiling. She opens to door wider. “Come on in.” She says, nodding her head eagerly. Molly skips in first, wrapping her arms around Sang’s legs and hugging them in greeting. “Hey pretty girl.” Sang whisper.

“Thank you for inviting us.” Molly says, grinning up at her. Dean wiggles out of my arms and I gently set him down onto his feet and watch as he walk confidentially towards his big sister and Auntie. Molly eagerly takes his hand. “That’s our Auntie Sang.” Molly tells him, grinning.

Dean looks up at her and grin. “Aunt San San.” He drawls, missing the ‘G’ on Sang.

With tears in her eyes, Sang crouches down so she’s almost at height with both Dean and Molly. “Hi precious and what’s your name?”

“Dea.” He replies, missing the ‘N’.

Molly rolls her eyes. “Not Dea, Dean.” She over pronounces the ‘N’.

Sang giggles. “Your both adorable. Let me introduce you to some people.” She stands and holds both her hands out, Molly eagerly takes one, followed by Dean. She looks back at us, her eyes bright. “Come on in to our home, your both welcome.”

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