Chapter Seven

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Owen pulls his car into the driveway. It has been four days since I started losing my hair and shaved it all off. Four emotional days may I add? Gabriel brought me a load of head scarf’s to wear that he split between me and Kayli. Gabriel insisted on us wearing them with the warm weather, saying he didn’t want out pretty little heads to get sunburn. Neither of us objected.

Owen looks to me as he kills the engine. “How are you feeling Mrs. Blackbourne?” I’ll never get tired of hearing those words. Owen has just spent three hours with me at the hospital, just me and him. I’m not sure what Kayli and our boys are up to but they insisted that they were okay not coming along today. It felt extremely strange not having them there in that big room with me, but me and Owen spent some time together just talking. I even finally spilled my idea’s to him about my cafe, restaurant and youth club dream.

I look over at him and meet his steel grey eyes. To this day, ten years later, they are still able to make my heart skip a beat. “Surprisingly good.” This is the truth. I slept well last night and yesterday I had my first proper meal in weeks. What came over me, I’m not sure but I was just so hungry. North was too happy to spend the afternoon in the kitchen cooking up a feast for us all.

“I’m glad. Come on.” I open my door and get out of the car. I meet Owen at the front and he takes my tiny hand in his large warm one. Together we make our way into our home. Owen closes the door behind us and hangs up his car keys. “So, the reason everyone insisted on not coming today is because we all have a surprise for you?”

I raise an eyebrow, my lips curving up. “What kind of surprise?”

He grins, taking my hand in his once more as he let it go to close the door and hang up his keys. “Come and see.” He let him lead me into the family room. The first thing I notice is the excited faces of my boys, then Kayli’s who is wearing a black head scarf on her head and then her boys. The second thing I notice are the mannequin head things with hair on them. I can’t help but notice how creepy their plain white faces look.

When I finally taking in the different styles, colours and lengths of the hairs on these head things I ask, “Are you they wigs?”

Gabriel rolls his eyes. “Yes Trouble, they are wigs.”

Kayli grins. “For us. Isn’t it exciting?” She is practically bouncing on her feet. For someone who is eleven weeks pregnant, she has so much energy. I thought a lot of women suffer with morning sickness in the first trimester and lack of energy. Obviously I’m wrong.

“You get first pick.” Axel says, grinning over at me.

“Of course she does.” Kayli tells him.

I grin. “You brought me wigs?” Honestly, I don’t mind the head scarf’s but it would be nice to feel hair hanging over my shoulders again.

“Yes Princess, we did.”

“They are 100% human hair so we can shampoo them, blow dry them, curl them and straighten them.” Gabriel explains. “I can even add a touch of colour which I am doing on a certain wig upstairs that you are not able to see until we go for the meal at Milo’s next week for North’s birthday.”

“Okay, so why do we have that many wigs when I only need one?” I ask, eyeing a nice dirty blonde coloured wig with soft waves, a fringe that would reach the eyebrow and hangs to the centre of your back.

“So if you fancy a change, you can have one.” Gabriel says in a duh tone.

“You all agreed to this?” I ask, looking around at my boys, locking eyes with each and every single one of them for a moment before moving on to the next. I’m relieved when I don’t notice any dark circles ringing their eyes and stubbles on their handsome faces.

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