Chapter 4: And so it begins

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Issei smiled as he found himself surrounded by the familiar flames that made up his mindscape. He smirked at the dragon that had focused its gaze on him.

"Pleased?" He asked. His smirk never leaving his face." Very. Though I must advice you improve your hand-to-hand combat skills. Not all supernatural entities are dumb enough to fall for your simple minded moves. So improve your strategy as well. But otherwise you did well. Now, onto business." Draige commented.

Issei snorted." Always so serious. You need to learn to let up from time to time. Let me guess. Another round of criticism followed by a quest to improve that which you criticized." He stated flatly. Draige nodded." Perfection is achieved by eliminating every flaw notable. I have already told you what areas you need to improve in, though I will advice you to further improve you spell arsenal. Specifically supportive and offensive magic spells. And on that note..."

A notification appeared before Issei stating Draige's quest.

[Quest Alert!]

[Here Lies The Red Dragon: Every dragon needs a lair. A place they may call their own. This can vary from dungeons, caves, mountains and/or castles. You quest? Get a lair of your own.]

[Quest Reward: 2000Exp, 10000¥+Red Dragon's Blessing]

Issei looked up at the Dragon with a raised brow, stating his question. Draige nodded." It is customary. Plus you'll need a place to practise your spells and train. Your house isn't an ideal place for such a thing." He finished. Issei nodded." Anything else?" He asked.

"Actually, yes. I have taken a closer look at how your Sacred gears work individually. Boosted gear's only restriction is your strength in body, as well as your strength in will. Increasing your body's endurance will grant you more power, but strength of will and spirit will allow you to evolve the gear accordingly.

Your shield on the other hand works differently. The boosted gear can be evolved or improved upon once you've reached a certain level. For instance, you were able to evolve the gear because your body's physical strength and stamina was past fifty. With your desire for more power being the catalyst for the evolution. The shield on the other hand has no level requirement. It's potential is seemingly infinite as it has no restrictions. I believe that the only way for you to improve your shield and its functions, is if your spirit and faith is strong enough or if you believe that whatever it is you desire or require, the shield can do and provide. Or so I believe.

Honestly this is really intriguing. To have a Sacred gear that can grant you infinite power, and another that can improve itself to meet your desires, truly makes you one of the most terrifying humans alive, partner. And that's putting it lightly." The dragon commented.

Issei smirked as his chest seemingly filled with pride." Well, I try my best. But onto another matter. I remember looking through my status list once and took note of the fact that I had an ability called Draconic Aura. And yet I have not seen any stat showcasing it nor do I know how to access or use it." Issei stated as he pulled up the list of abilities he owned, swiping until he reached his destination.

"Draconic Aura is an ability only dragons have. Its tends to act like a third energy source. Beings exist out of three energies. Physical spiritual and life energy. But life energy is so less that it can never be used as a weapon or a tool for battle. That's not true for us dragons though. We have so much life energy, or Aura, that we can imbue our attacks with it, amplifying its power a couple fold. It enhances our power, strength and overall spell casting ability. If you imbue your mana with it, it'll make your spells three times more effective while amplifying your overall power tenfold. That is, if you use it correctly. Hell, we have so much life energy that we are essentially immortal. The only way to kill us is with either dragon slayers, which effects our life energies directly, or sealing us away for eternity." Draige smirked as he looked at Issei's stunned expression.

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