Chapter 18: I am the Holy Knight, Freed Selzen!

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Issei looked at the unconscious Freed as he prepared for the skill transfer.

Raynare and Kurohime watched from behind as Issei placed his hand on Freed's head." {Transference}!" Issei spoke and the ghostly shield's mouth opened.

White energy flowed out of its mouth and into Freed. Freed's body glowed faintly before Issei received a notification.

[Notice Alert!]

[The skill {Advanced Demonic Immunity} has been transferred!]

He read before checking Freed's status with his observation technique.

[Demonic influence: 86%...83%...79%...70%...56%...40%...25%...10%...6%...4%......2%.......1%.......0%]

[Demonic influence has been lifted!]

Issei sighed in relieve as he read that last part. Though, Raynare and Kurohime didn't understand any of what he has done.

"Master, is this man of any importance to you?" Kurohime asked." I doubt it. Freed is a stray priest with some seriously evil tendencies. But then again I don't know Issei so maybe he is also on the crazy side of things." Raynare commented.

Issei shook his head." This man may not bare any importance to me. But I wanted to help him anyway." Issei spoke, further confusing the two ladies.

Issei undid the binding spell before casting a water spell to wake the man up.

Both ladies were on guard when the man began to stur. Issei merely smiled.

"Where am I?" Freed spoke as his eyes began to stur. Even though it was subtle, both Raynare and Issei picked up a change in the man's voice alone.

Freed glanced up at the smiling man before him." You? Are you the one that woke me?" Freed asked. Issei nodded." Indeed. Welcome back, father Freed." Issei replied and extended his hand out to the man.

His instincts had long since subsided when he granted Freed demonic immunity. Which is why he didn't question or doubt the man before him.

Freed took the hand and was pulled upright. He glanced at Issei and then to the two behind him. The first, Kurohime, he didn't recognise. Her aura was also not that of any hostile creature he has come across so he didn't mind her. But the second, Raynare. He immediately recognised her aura!

"Fallen!" He cried out as he went for his light sword at his side, only to find it missing. Issei placed a hand on the man's shoulder to calm him down.

"Relax. She isn't a threat. Not anymore at least. You should take a moment to get yourself back together, Freed. Recovering from the demon's influence is going to have some backlash on you. So take it easy." Issei spoke.

Freed looked at Issei with widened eyes before looking back at the fallen." Is that so." He mentioned lightly.

Freed turned his attention back to Issei." You mentioned a demon. Was I possessed?" He asked. Issei nodded.

He could pick up in Freed's voice that he has changed. That crazy element in his voice was gone, replaced with a more disciplined tone.

"Do you remember your mission to eliminate a group of cultists seeking to resurrect demons?" Issei inquired. Freed nodded before his eyes widened." Don't tell me...I got possessed by one of them!" He thought out loud.

He grabbed his face as he thought back to the events that played off."I remember saving the people they abducted to use as sacrifices. But after that...the rest feels like a dream. There was a flash of crimson light before I awoke...Then I started hearing this awful voice. The rest after that is a blank." He spoke as he tried to recall his memories.

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