Chapter 5: Encounter with the fallen

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" you believe in the supernatural?"

He looked at them with a blank expression." Indeed. I do." He replied. They nodded and Sona decided to speak." So you probably also know of the three most prominent beings that exist? Angels, fallen angels and devils?" She asked with a smile.

Issei nodded, deciding to not play around the bush." Yes I do. Especially when two devils are talking to me. How am I not suppose to believe?" He asked as he noticed that their smiles turned into smirks." Oh, so you do know of us. May I ask how?" Rias stated.

Issei looked at her and smiled." I thought you'd know that, heiress of the Gremory clan. My sacred gear. It grants me knowledge and information on any specific thing I focus my thoughts upon. In this case, the two of you." Issei lied through his teeth. Hey, he wasn't lying about what his gear could do. He just didn't tell them all of what it could do.

Both looked intrigued at this." And when did it awaken?" Sona asked. Issei turned his attention to her, noting the slight flinch Rias gave of when he spoke." When me and my mother were nearly blown to smithereens. I panicked and thought of how I was going to protect her, when suddenly, I had the knowledge of the existence of magic and how to cast a barrier. So I did. And it saved us. Mostly. Next day I woke up and wondered what happened and how it happened. And then I started gaining knowledge of the Sacred gears and that I had one. Knowledge on what it could and could not do. As well as how to activate it." Issei spoke. Once more, giving them half truths. He wasn't gonna trust them when it was they who nearly killed him. Though he noted that Sona seemed unaware of it. So maybe it was just Rias' doing?

The two ladies looked fascinated at the thought of such a power. Rias decided to speak once more." Incredible. So in a crisis, it gave you knowledge on a spell that would meet your needs. In this case, protect both you and your mother. If I may ask. What is it capable of?" She asked.' If he can gain info on anything he focused on, and his Sacred gear gave him not only the knowledge he wants, but is also capable of granting him spells that would meet with his expectations, whether it is to protect or attack. Then he could be the solution I have been looking for. But he could also be the problem I currently have.' She thought.

"It can grant me the info on whatever I focus my thoughts and sights on. The basic info, the strengths, weaknesses so on and so forth. What it can't do, is tell me when you're gonna die or what you're thinking or stuff like that. It basically can only grant me info on stuff that has happened or analyze something for me. I was able to gain the knowledge of magic and spell casting in my moment of panic, but I don't know if I could do that again or if it is actually capable of granting me spells to cast in dire situations. Though it did mention that it works according to the will and desires of its user so I don't know. Maybe." Issei spoke.

Once more, the two looked fascinated." So you could gain info on us just by looking and thinking of us?" Sona asked. Issei snorted." What do you think I have been doing since I sat down. Honestly though, Sona. Is your sister really thát crazy about you?" He asked and instantly saw Sona's face lit up. Turning red like a tomato." W-wh-what?" She stuttered and Rias' smile grew even further.

Issei nodded with a smirk." It's listed as one of your weaknesses. Your sister. Apparently, it also states that you are voted the 'most likely to lose her virginity to her sister'. Honestly I'm fascinated by that." He had to hold back a chuckle as he saw Sona's head drop onto the desk.

Though Rias most certainly didn't mind laughing at her friend's embarrassed state. But Issei quickly turned to her." And you, Rias. Does your brother really have a sister complex? I mean wow! You're so hot even your brother has a thing for you. It says he has dolls and pillows made to look like you. Hidden in a secret closet. Wow!" Issei spoke. Rias' face also began to lit up as she tried hiding her face within her hands.

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