Chapter 6: Second to last

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Issei's alarm clock went off and was quickly silenced when Issei punched it. Lifting up his head, revealing his bloodshot eyes.' Why the hell do I have to go to school!?' He thought as he got out of bed.

It was pitch black. Issei shook his head when he looked at the clock.  It was four in the morning. He groaned as he remembered why he was getting up.' Damn it. I got to go eliminate the other dungeons.' He thought as he made his way to his bathroom and started with his morning routine.

'Most of the devils are currently inactive. I hope. If my intel is correct, which it always is, then they do most of their devil work during the night. And since they have school during the day, that means that they are inactive early mornings.

Meaning I got till seven, when school starts, to eliminate either one of the last two dungeons.' He thought as he dressed himself. Taking his bag and placing it in his inventory, he activated his shadow walking skill and transported himself to a hill near the edge of Kuoh.

Using a spell to make him wear his Shadow Armor, he quickly made his way to the abandoned building below.

Coming before the abandoned factory, he was a bit caught by surprise when the notification popped up.

[You have discovered the Lair of The Ghouls!]

[Do you wish to enter?]


He looked shocked.' Hold up. Ghouls!? As in, demonic entities consuming humans!? THOSE ghouls!!?' He thought and grimaced at the notification that popped up.


He shook his head as he summoned his shield before pressing the Y icon. Snapping his fingers and summoning a barrier over the entire factory.' That should delay the devils for some time.' He thought.

The doors to the factory opened, as if on their own, and a chilling air accompanied it. Issei shivered.' Ominous.' He thought and stepped into the building.

Flicking on the light switch, only for darkness to remain he nodded.' Of course I'm fighting in the dark. Night vision!' He thought and his eyes began to glow green with the activation of his ocular spell.

The area became clear to him. Not as clear as day. But as clear as a street lit up by a full moon's light. Clear but still dark.

He walked in further and soon heard the sound of someone eating. Stopping at the corner, he decided to take a look at what it was. But what he didn't expect, was to see a girl, consume a man's body on the floor.

She looked to be his age, with black hair, dressed in a white gown, with no shoes or socks to cover her feet. Her dress obviously stained with blood. Issei's widened eyes shifted to the girl's status.

[Kiyomi Gaiko LV25]
[Status: Ghoul (Human Mutant)]
[Title: The Dark Maiden/Rose]

He used his detect skill to search for any other Ghouls, but felt only a single presence on the first floor, with multiple more beneath him.

'Okay. One target. I could try sneak attacking her, but if she has heightened senses, then that could prove to be a problem. In any case, I still have to test that new spell I got from the Iwatani's.' He thought as he took out a glass bottle, holding some kind of water within.

Stepping out of his hiding spot, he heard the girl laugh as she turned to face him, allowing him to see her face for the first time. She held a beautiful face with plum crimson lips and black eyes with crimson irises. It all defined her light skin tone well.

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