Chapter 10

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The three spent the rest of the night and part of the next morning in the lignom, Agnez and Yaalon nursing Rajhani and changing her bandages, applying fresh salve. The swelling around the cuts was gone by morning but her skin was still bright red, bruises forming. Her voice raspy. Black grime caked under her fingernails. She was sitting up, leaning against the inside of the tree. Her breathing was steady.

When the sun in the sky told Agnez that it was mid-morning, she placed a hand on Rajhani's shoulder and gave her a gentle shake.

"Let's try getting you home," said Agnez. "Can you walk?"

Yaalon, rising from his spot against the opposite wall, walked over to Rajhani and offered a hand. She took it and pulled herself upright. She took a deep breath and swayed slightly, falling back to the ground.

"This won't do," said Yaalon as he squatted down and picked up Rajhani. He cradled her as if she were a small child and looked up at Agnez. "Bring the extra salve and wraps. She'll need them. Let's get her to your village Healer."

Agnez grabbed the remaining salve and a small pile of compressed moss. Her quiver was already on her back. She grabbed her bow as she walked out behind Yaalon, watching her sister's small arm swinging freely at his side, a hand-shaped bruise wrapped around her forearm.

As they stepped out of the lignom, Rockdog ran out from a bunch of hiriberry bushes and let out a short huff.

"I know, buddy," said Yaalon. "You missed out on the action last night. That's what you get for running off after the ladies." He chuckled and kept walking. Rockdog trotted up and took his spot at Yaalon's side.

Agnez watched as Yaalon carried her sister. This scarred man, fearsome in appearance, was far more gentle and kind than anyone else she had known.


The path to Iyhiri Village was quiet. Eerily so. No noise, no animals. Even the wind was absent, gone from the world and leaving it stale.

Agnez had an arrow in hand, ready in the event that whatever had silenced her world showed up. As their surroundings grew quieter, and as the feeling of impending attack grew heavier, she stepped into the lead. A twig cracked under her weight and it snapped the air, the sound exploding outward and dying as the forest sucked it in. She silently reprimanded herself for being so careless. Yaalon carried Rajhani behind her with Rockdog at his side.

As Agnez stepped through the wood line and into her village, she saw the complete and utter destruction of her home. Trees were burnt, branches ripped down. Gardens were pulled up, scorched to the earth. No food remained. Huts were flattened. Slithering lines of smoke seeped upward from the earth and the tattered remains of homes. A few chickens wandered aimlessly, clucking. No one was there.

Agnez turned to face Yaalon and saw that Rajhani was sleeping in his arms, exhausted from the trip. The bruising around her neck was turning purple. The shape of fingers was clear and Agnez imagined herself decorating Cyran in the same manner before he died.

Yaalon was staring at what was left of the village. The black remains of people's homes were smoldering, burned beyond salvation. They were nothing more than soot and burnt chunks of wood.

Yaalon laid Rajhani down under a small tree at the wood line and made sure that she was still asleep. He pointed at Rockdog. "Stay with her, bud. Keep her safe." Yaalon walked over to Agnez. He stepped up behind her and whispered her name.

Agnez jumped at the sound of his voice. She turned around, bow in hand. She had placed her arrow back in its quiver.

"My home..."

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