Chapter 26

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Rajhani sat at the small fire in the hut that she and Yaalon shared. The village had been rebuilt. The Crymith and Euryfera had begun to build bonds and new families. The group of pale, scarred men and women had adapted to earthside life, as Yaalon had before them. And Yaalon was no longer a solitary monster roaming the forests of Iyhiri. But he still felt alone, except for the time he spent with Rajhani.

Rajhani had become a friend and kind of daughter to him. They often shared stories of Agnez, which was mostly Rajhani sharing stories with Yaalon. But even in the brief time that Yaalon spent with her, Agnez had become one of the biggest parts of his life. And he felt a connection to her through Rajhani.

Rajhani was using crucith leaves to wrap meat the way that Agnez had shown her. The way their mother had shown Agnez. The door to the hut crashed open and a startled Rajhani dropped the meat she was about to place on the hot rocks surrounding the flame.

"Yaalon," she said without looking up. "How many times do I have to tell you not to slam that door open? It'll fall right off the hinges." She picked the leaf-wrapped meat up off the floor and placed it gently on the rocks.

From behind her, she heard a woman's voice rather than the deep, male voice she expected.

"Hello, little sister."


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Photo by Alex Azabache on

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