Forever Is Not Enough

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Jack's body stiffened, the breath paralyzed in his lungs burned for blessed release. Holding her gaze in his, he searched her eyes for signs of jest. Elsa's fingers pressed deeper into his flesh, reassuring him that he had in fact heard her correctly. His heart thrummed heavily behind its cage of bones, blood welled and raced through his extremities. Do something.

Fingers fumbled nervously over buttons of ice. Relax. Slipping the black fabric from his arms, Jack draped the jacket across the nearest chair and looked down at his legs. Best leave these on, he thought, fingering the magicked-constructed black material. He took a deep breath and exhaled in a shaky rattle.

Don't be ridiculous. This isn't the first time you've been in a bed with a woman.

Yes it is.

Need I correct you?

No, thank you.

Jack walked back to the bed and slid underneath the covers. The bed was surprisingly cool despite Elsa having laid in it. Then again, it shouldn't be all that surprising to him. His eyes stared in uncertainty at the high ceilings. Every muscle and nerve in his body tensed at the feeling of her eyes on him. The carnal beast inside coiled and readied for release, snapping and gnashing it's teeth. The timid and logically thinking creature held the beast at bay, hands tightened around its chain.

"What are you thinking about?" Her words came in a curious whisper.

"You don't want to know." Bringing his hand to his face, he rubbed at the stubble forming on his cheek. Stubble? When did that happen?

"Try me." She rose up onto one elbow, hair falling around and past the curve of her breasts. Jack finally looked at her, his expression slightly tortured.

"I'm thinking that a gentleman would have bid you goodnight and slept on the sofa, better yet, outside your door. I'm also thinking how easy it would be to tear that flimsy thing you're wearing off of your body.' He paused, gauging her reaction. ' I'm wondering what kind of sounds you would make if I touched you there or kissed you here." Jack's finger trailed from her left breast and to the hollow of her collarbone.

"Jack..." She began.

"You asked." He bit. "Sorry if it wasn't what you wanted to hear...your highness."


Elsa's cheeks flushed red, her mouth pursed in agitation. She should be mad. Scandalized. But his words sent pools of warmth between her legs and an ache longing to be relieved. Maybe it was only the several glasses of wine she had consumed before retiring for the night. Maybe it was the way his eyes glowed a brilliant blue even in the dark. It could of very well been the way he seemed so feral and gentle at the same time, capable of magnitudes of destruction and breathtaking beauty. Winter. Don't you see how much I want you?

Christ, what's wrong with you, Elsa?

You have a reputation to uphold.

You're also the goddamn queen and can do whatever the hell you please.

"I have responsibilities, Jack... People who depend on me." Her voice shook.

"Are you talking just to hear yourself talk? Or do you have a point, Elsa? Because I'm curious as to why you don't think I understand that, or why you think I give two shits about what anyone outside of this room thinks." His tone bit deep into her.

"I wasn't finished..." She looked at him sheepishly. "I only meant to say that there are certain expectations of me. While there have been queens throughout history that never married and successfully ruled without a husband at their side, things are not so simple here. Taking you as a lover isn't entirely appropriate nor would it be received well by the people I've worked so hard to protect and care for." Her hands danced nervously in her lap, bunching, and twisting the silk of her nightgown.

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