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(*For those interested in the music pairing to read this with, I have set up a spotify playlist under my name, Jaimie Fairchild, called "bitter". Feel free to check it out/ or you can scroll through the above pics and take a listen to the video I have paired with each chapter!)


The pit of her stomach pooled with warmth. His fingers slid gently along her jaw; delicately as if she were made of glass. His eyes searched hers, no longer afraid of her reaction. She could turn him into a statue of ice and he wouldn't care. He would have this of her whether or not she gave him the permission.

"I see you, Elsa." His breath was cool against the warm skin of her cheek.

"Jack... I, " she started; her sentence cut short by the connection of their lips.

Her hands, once balled tightly at her side, now relaxed as a blue glow began radiating from them like an aurora borealis. His hands firmly but gently cradled her neck as he asked an unspoken question.

Elsa felt his soft lips open, his tongue gently pressing, and tasting hers. Propriety told her that this was not Queen behavior.... Oh gods....propriety be damned! She opened her mouth in answer. Her hands bunched in the fabric of his linen shirt, pulling him closer and deepening their kiss. Jack's once cool fingers tangled into her blonde hair and began to emanate warmth. He never imagined he would feel this way.... His very center was on fire, melting the ice barrier around his heart.

Born of Cold and Winter AirWhere stories live. Discover now