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*This chapter is dedicated to Sophia (IloveBobaFett24) Thanks so much for your faithful reading!*

(I'm also quite pleased with myself for figuring out how to italicize words via my iPhone.....I know, I completely suck at being tech savy. I blame it on getting old)


"Well? How do I look?" He slowly spun, the tails of his navy blue frock coat billowing with the movement. Jack reached up to the high collar and began tugging annoyingly at the bow tie. He felt constricted and on the verge of suffocation. Men actually subjected themselves to this kind of discomfort voluntarily? Seeing the potential of her fine work compromised, Elsa swatted his hands away and set herself to loosening the collar for him.

"Is that better?" She let her hands slide down the pale blue of his embroidered waistcoat, smoothing out any wrinkles.

"Yes, but you never answered my question." His eyes flashed at her, mouth curling into an arrogant grin.

Elsa stood back and took in his appearance. Jack resembled exactly that of a proper gentleman clad in grey trousers, a navy blue jacket, and handsomely paired with a pale blue waistcoat. The silver of his hair brought out the subtle undertones of the waistcoat and brightened the pale flecks of his eyes. If she didn't know any better, she would have mistaken him for a royal. An absurdly attractive royal, she thought.

"It suits you.' She answered finally. 'It compliments your eyes."

Jack's expression turned smug as he modeled the regal garb; his walk ostentatious when he approach Elsa's floor length mirror. He fidgeted with his silver hair, turning his head side to side in deep concentration. "I need a mustache."

The sound of Elsa's light laughter distracted him from his vain attempts. It was such a lovely sound. Jack smiled back at her in the mirror as she walked up behind him.

"No mustache." She chuckled.

"You don't think it would make me look more distinguished?" He asked curiously as he stroked the bare skin of his upper lip. Mustaches were most certainly masculine, he thought to himself. He turned around, looking down at her; the top of her head stopping just below his nose. Her height was petite like an adolescent girl, but the curves of her body shouted "woman" in boisterous defense.

"You look... Nice." Her voice soft as she embellished the the silver ice buttons of his waistcoat with a snowflake.

"Just nice?" Her eyes rose to his, fingers pausing in their ministrations. Jack looked deep into hers for a hint of what lay behind them. The wall she built around herself seemed so akin to his. Maybe, just maybe she would someday let a fellow comrade in. Someday.

A knock at her door startled them from their moment of silent questions. Elsa cleared her throat, excusing herself to see to it. Jack turned round to take a last glance at himself. The clothes are not my style, but I look damn good in them.


"Let me initiate introductions. Anna will be buzzing with overwhelming curiosity the moment she sees you, so it's best if you let me do the explaining." Elsa's hands twisted and fidgeted as they walked along the opulent halls of the castles.

Jack, still actively listening, let his eyes rove across his surroundings. Several artifacts and paintings caught his attention as they strode by, making a mental reminder to come back to them later, he would take a closer look. The palace exuded grandeur with every turn and corner. There was a distinct welcoming sensation inside the stone walls that settled any unease. The two descended the burgundy velvet grand staircase to the lower level of the palace; his hands sliding along the smooth wood of the bannister. Jack's eyes were drawn to the vaulted ceilings and particularly to the exposed wood beams that held an uncanny Viking influence.

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