The Mind Will Play

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His obtrusive hand reached out, much too close for her liking. Elsa's right hand struck out, grasping his wrist and stilling him before his fingers could brush her skin. His starry blue gaze locked with hers, a smile spreading across his face.

"Do not presume to be so bold with me sir, I am not as helpless as I may appear." Her tone was venomous.

Jack glanced down at his imprisoned wrist, smiling even wider at the sight of his hand frosting over and turning a corpse-like shade of grey blue. A chuckle erupted from his chest. Goddamn, where had she been hiding all this time?

"I would never presume so, and I would like to say that you have me at a disadvantage Miss, but I'm afraid that would be a blatant lie." Releasing his staff to float beside him midair, Jack wrapped his free hand around the one that bound his right.

Elsa let out a gasp at the sight of their conjoined hands freezing over into what appeared to be pure ice. Logic told her she was dreaming, but his touch and the pull in her chest told her this was real. "How is this even possible?"

Jack released her hand, slipping his right free as her hold on him slackened. He slowly lowered himself onto her bed, mindful of her nervousness. Now that he had found her, the last thing he wanted to do was push her away. The doors to her room reverberated with heavy knocks, a palace guard's voice of concern questioning behind them, " My queen, we heard a crash! Is everything alright?"

"Queen?" He quietly exclaimed in disbelief.

Elsa's hand clapped over Jack's mouth," Just a moment!" She looked to him then, trying to figure out what to tell the guards. 'Stay here and be quiet." She crawled out of the bed with as much grace and modesty as could be mustered in what little she wore.

Jack's lower abdomen tightened at the sight of her curvy silhouette, her chemise doing very little to shield what was underneath. His gaze was transfixed on her as she silently strode to the dressing room; watching her disappear into the room and reappear moments later with an appropriately modest robe and slippers.

"Queen Elsa?" The guard's voice sounded extremely worried at this point.

"I said just a moment." She cracked the door far enough just so they could see she was safe and whole. "Everything is fine. I was practicing and let myself get carried away. It's nothing that I can't handle for now. Thank you for your concern."

Jack watched her smooth the tension outside her bedroom door. Where was he exactly? By the looks of the decor and structure of the room, not to mention the Queen's lilt, he guessed Norway; but he couldn't be too sure. Rising from her soft bed, he walked around her room, picking up random trinkets and artifacts that decorated the large space. He froze when he came face to face with the ice sculpture he had noticed earlier, but paid little attention to. The artistry was flawless.

Jack Frost's fingers glided along the perfectly smooth surface of the statue. "This....who is this?" He was aware that she was standing behind him, silently watching.

"It's you. Or at least what I imagined you to look like." She said with a shrug, her arms were crossed, mouth set with apprehension.

Jack circled her creation, hand cradling his chin. "It's good... Damn close too, but I'm afraid he's not handsome enough." He looked over at her with a playful grin, noting the way her cheeks flushed pink.

"So it's Elsa, is it? Elsa.....I like the way that sounds." She watched as he lifted into the air and floated, suspended so that she had to look up at him. Jack reached out and gently twirled a piece of her blonde hair between his fingers. What was with all the touching, she wondered. Stepping back so that her hair was free she turned her attention to the damaged window.

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