To The Skies

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Jack catapulted through the air as daggers of ice shot in his direction, laughter rumbling in chest. The woman had spirit and he admired her for that. With experienced ease he was able to dodge her desperate efforts to maim him. With one bold swoop he wrapped his arm around her waist, bursting with laughter as she clawed at him in startled panic. Her arms squeezed tightly around his ribcage; fingers latched themselves to the fabric of his shirt, pinching the smooth flesh beneath.

"Bloody fucking hell, Jack! Put me down!" Elsa's eyes were wide with fear and her expression furious. Jack's left arm pressed her close as they sailed through the air of her large room. Staff in hand, Jack pointed it towards the window, the ice parted in obedience, making way for their exit.

"Relax, your majesty. I won't let you fall." He breathed through her soft hair.

A chill tingled it's way down her spine and the tiny hairs on her neck stood on end. The blanket that had been wrapped around her slid to the floor in a heap of satin. Whatever color that remained in her face completely drained. She couldn't possibly be seen thus dressed. The warm morning breeze stirred in her hair as Jack carried her to the window ledge. Her hands tightened in his linen shirt.

"Wait! I couldn't possibly go out like this." Her ice blue eyes pleaded with his, hoping that he would abandon whatever intentions he had. Jack looked down at her nightgown, deciding that she was quite right.

"You do make a valid point." He cocked his head to the side, eyes surveying her body. Elsa felt exposed and vulnerable; she tried her best to ignore the way his unapologetic gaze made her stomach flutter wildly. She watched as Jack brought his staff to the fabric of her chemise. Sliding it along her abdomen in circular motions. Deep icy blues sparkled and inched their way up her body, enveloping her like a glove. Chiffon-like ice wrapped around her arms forming iridescent lilac sleeves. Branches of frost cascaded down the ice dress that hugged and altered her nightgown, twisting and spreading like the faint blue veins beneath her skin. The neckline plunged to her navel, glittering with diamonds of ice that wove in swirls across her breasts.

Jack smiled in confidence at his craftsmanship. "Is this better?" He asked coyly. Jack would never consider himself an expert on women's fashion, but two hundred years of observing changing trends did give one a general idea of what was "acceptable."

Elsa stared down at the dress, slightly perturbed by the excessive accentuating of her curves and the incredibly inappropriate neckline.

"It's impractical." Her words were blunt and borderline callous.

"Stop your complaining... Besides, I've already seen you in less." Before she could further protest, Jack vaulted them through the window and into the warm open air.

With a shriek, Elsa buried her face into his neck as they soared through the skies, the early morning rays warming their hair; never of course, warm enough to penetrate their skin. "As soon as I'm back on solid ground, I'm going to kill you!"

His broad chest shook with mirth at her threat. Such spirit! The wind rushed through her hair, tangling and wrapping itself around her face as they barrel-rolled through the clouds. Jack, unfazed, watched her in selfish amusement as she tried to clear her obstructed view. Releasing his staff to fly alongside, Jack gently freed the stubborn strands from her heart shaped face. Her expression held no signs of pleasure in the experience. Instead it looked rather distressed, her coloring a slight shade of green.

"Are you unwell?" He halted midair, his hand pressing a cooling relief to her forehead. If looks could kill, he was a deadman.

"Am I unwell? Am I unwell? Let me think about that... Hmm, I don't know! It's not an everyday occurrence that a mythological being kidnaps me and takes me flying. So yes, Jack, I'm quite unwell." Her gaze was cold. This only humored him.

"Would it please your Majesty, to be back on solid ground?" He teased. Jack rather enjoyed riling her.

"You're being disingenuous." She seemed irritated.

"I wouldn't dream of it." His lips stretched into a boyish grin. "Come, your Majesty. I'll return you to your Kingdom before anyone realizes you were 'kidnapped'."

"You really don't have to address me that way. I prefer family and close friends call me by first name." She tried her best to not let the nausea bother her, but it was easier said than done. Flying was not her cup of tea.

Jack gave her a squeeze,"So we're friends now?" He caught the way her eyes narrowed at him. They were going to get on rather well, then.

"I'm just taunting you. If you prefer I call you Elsa, then I will."

The way he said her name sounded like a reverent prayer. Her cheeks flushed, giving away her feelings. She was never good at concealing them.


Elsa was relieved to feel solid ground beneath her bare feet. She turned to face Jack, unsure if she should scold him, invite him to breakfast or command him to leave. She had a feeling that he had no respect for authority and wouldn't take well to being told what to do.

"Are you hungry? Breakfast will be served fairly soon. While I usually take it in my room, today I'd like to see my sister this morning before duty demands my attention. So you're more than welcome to join me or stay here, if you don't have anything of great importance to occupy you."

"I'm free at the moment. No serious weather changes in my plans today. As for being hungry, I'm never. However, I can eat and do on occasion, I just don't really need to. Comes with the occupation." He leaned against his staff, arms resting on the "moon" shape.

Elsa, trying to determine if it was smart to bring him along, walked around him; eyeing his garments. They weren't exactly horrible, but they were not by any means fit for presentation. She had the worrying feeling that others would mistake him for a beggar. "Jack....please don't take this the wrong way but, you should change your clothes. I don't want any of the staff or my advisors believing you to be a street beggar or criminal." She tried her best to sound nonjudgmental.

"Criminal? I happen to like my choice of clothes. They're not stiff and restrictive like the fashion gentleman these days insist on wearing." He looked down at his dark brown breeches and linen shirt, and then back at Elsa; her expression sincere but hesitant. Maybe that was why men subjected themselves to the torture; for a woman. With a surrendering shrug he stretched his arms wide and tilted his chin up, closing his eyes. "Have your way with me then."

(Author's Notes: I know it's short, but my reasoning is sound. I had started this chapter days ago and somehow the five pages I had finished, mysteriously deleted. Yes, I was livid. Yes, I procrastinated. However, I do believe this came out better than the original. If you're interested in the dress I based Jack's creation on, please see the comment section. I'll post a link to it. It's just... Guh! Exquisite! )

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