Dark Frosti

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(Author's Notes: Going to take a jab at some really complicated and contradicting Norse Mythology. Hoping that I can spin a web of interesting folklore. Warning, I have taken some liberties with the myths. )


"You disappoint me, Jokul." Her tone was emotionless. His eyes followed the movement of her hand as it stroked the shinning white of her polar bear's fur. The Frost Giants at her side stared menacingly back at him. There was no doubt that his father had sent them.

"I will not allow your willful arrogance and cruelty to go unpunished."

Jokul smirked, his arms folding across his broad chest. His deep blue eyes alit with a malignant gold, daring her to try, self confidence radiating and filling the grand room with a bitter chill that went bone deep. The woman's head snapped up, eyes like daggers eager for the kill. "You will pay for your crimes!" A gust of arctic wind bit and clawed at his face and body, his fine clothes rippling viciously at the goddess' onslaught. Her tactics did little to sway his petulance.

"Skadi, Oh wise huntress! You must have known that not even you could tame me....cousin." He jeered, a cruel smile spanned his face. His bare feet skimmed along the floor, gliding along the stone surface, until he was kneeling at her feet; his arrogant expression riling her dissolving patience.

She was on him with one languid blink of his eyes. The goddess' iron-like fist grasped Jokul by the throat, in the other hand a dagger dripping with black ichor. Her hair seemed aflame and her eyes wild with such ferocity, the ground heaved and quaked underneath his knees; even the Frost Giants shifted uneasily.

"When did the likes of mortals take residence in your heart? Or is it my father who protests my behavior? He's convinced you to bring my crimes to justice, has he?" Jokul's intrepid tone further fueled her wintry rage. "Now that you are Odin's wife, you believe to have power and authority over me?" He spat.

"I care not for any mortal, but they are of nature! Your father detests what you have become. I care for the laws of gods and the laws of the earth. You have broken them. There will be balance and justice must be served. Your wickedness and games have come to their end, Frosti. Your reign of terror will cease tonight!" She pressed the blade to his immortal heart.

Fear was absent. It had long abandoned him with Mioll's death. An insidious cold wrapped itself around his immortal heart like a lover that day. Cruelty and darkness had consumed him and only death would end his hellbent rampage. Jokul Frosti pressed his body closer to the blade, the searing pain of the ichor and metal brought a smile to his lips.

"Kill me, then. Release me from this prison of immortal flesh!" He growled. Her green eyes flashed, the urge to kill dancing in the yellow specks of her irises. She drew near to his ear, his raven black hair tickling her lips.

"You will find no mercy or relief from your pain here, Jokul; only a deserved lesson."

His rage furrowed across the ageless skin of his face. His black blue hands gripped her forearms, digging, and piercing her god flesh. A fierce growl erupted from her pet, it's teeth gnashing and snarling at it's master's defense. Skadi paid no notice of such pains. Her dagger buried deep into his chest, twisting as she cursed him to a mortal life."Jeg forbanner dere, Jokul Frosti. Jeg tar din udødelighet og gi deg død!"


Jack Frost awoke with a start. His heart thudded heavily in his chest as he touched the cold skin over the pounding muscle, a sting dissolving with the memory of a dream.

It felt so real. The darkness seemed to twist and rot within him as he saw through eyes much like his own. Unable to speak or control his dream body, Jack watched as the scene unfolded, ever so aware of the feeling that he had been there before. That was impossible of course; the time was wrong. Then again he couldn't shake the curiosity of the man's name in the dream. Jokul. He had heard that name before.

It was a name whispered on the wind before an unknown force sent him tumbling through the window belonging to a queen. The brightness of the sun dimly sparkled through the ice window, casting rainbow spots onto the sleeping form of the woman he met hours before. Jack silently rose from the chair he had occupied during the night and walked over to the bedside.

He watched the slow rise and fall of her chest as she slept; her face relaxed in peaceful reverie. Elsa's hair fanned across the charcoal dyed linens of her bed. His fingers slid gently over the silky tendrils, the sensitive nerves tingled with satisfaction at the contact. He resisted the urge to groan at the way it felt to simply touch her. His hand lingered much longer than it should have, trailing lightly along the pale smoothness of her collarbone. He smiled at the way she shivered from his tickling touch in her sleep.

Jack felt his chest tighten and burn at the simplistic act of her full lips pursing together and then relaxing. The sight of her like this conjured feelings of familiarity. He felt the magnetic pull of her mouth tugging at his conservative resolve. Jack had never spent much time in the presence of such vulnerability and he had enough respect to allow private things between mortals to go on without him needing to play audience. This. This he couldn't resist.

All sense of reserve and control dashed to the wind as he settled his mouth on hers. Be that she was still a stranger mattered very little. He convinced himself it was for curiosity's sake. Images and flashes of a silver haired woman with ice blue eyes danced through his mind as his mouth melded against Elsa's. Flashes of bared flesh entwined with that of another's, cries of passion filling his ears as felt his body being forcefully pushed away.

"Just what the hell do you think you are doing?" Elsa demanded, sleep frazzled hair hanging past an exposed breast in a tangle of blonde. Clearly, the thin chemise wasn't properly designed, seeing as one of the straps had slipped down her arm; the silky fabric drooped below the virgin pink of a nipple. Jack felt a rush of heat billow between his legs as his eyes took in her indecency.

Noticing where his gaze was lingering and the change of expression, Elsa, full of shocked embarrassment pulled the blankets up to cover herself. Her face turned an angry shade of red.

"Do you mind, sir, telling me the reasoning of your molesting me as I slept?"

Regaining composure Jack floated into the air, distancing himself from her should she feel the desire to shoot spikes of ice in his direction. Her looks clearly, could crucify. He held his hands up in surrender,"Wait....No one was molesting anyone! Maybe if you wore something a little more.... I don't know, conservative to bed; you're little exposure wouldn't have happened." His cheeks flushed magenta as the image of her naked flesh came back to mind. What was this possessive and animalistic urge he felt pooling inside? Two hundred years and not once had he such feelings.

Elsa stood up from the bed, wrapping the blankets about her as if it would make him forget the curve of her body. "That doesn't explain why I awoke to you kissing me!"

Jack's hand reached up to the softness of his hairline at the base of his skull, scratching in nervousness. He coughed and cleared his throat. He threw her a mischievous grin with a simple shrug of his shoulders.

"Two hundred years, give or take of genuine curiosity."

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