The break up pt 2 🥺

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It's now 2nd of august's 3 years since me and Draco broke up, i don't have feelings for him. I tried my best. I did something really stupid so stupid.

A new student came to our school, he goes by the name of Theo riddle, of course he has an relation to Voldemort but who cares.

One month after the break up, Theo entered the school. I was always in the common room at night by myself drinking stolen alcohol from parties that had happened.

Theo came over to me and ask how much of a hard time i was going through i told him everything and well i kind of trusted him.

I started helping Theo with his father on 16th march every night we would end up on the clock tower roof looking up at the stars, he told me something i'd though i'd never hear. He liked me...

I was nervous, i didn't know what to say i was still not over Draco, everytime i would see him in the hall he would always look down or start talking to "our friends."

I soon ditched everyone when Theo came around we would ditch lessons to have make out sessions in any empty classrooms, I know they all knew i was hurting, i've had pansy come up to me a couple of times asking if i was okay, mattheo would spit at her to piss off and leave me alone whilst he rolled up joints in the back off Potions.

Snape never took much notice of Theo, i guess he was just scared to see the son of voldemort starring at him, Theo didn't pay much attention as i said.

I started smoking with him, it helped with the pain, How could you love someone so much when being with them for a month.

As i said, we would ditch lessons to have make out sessions, we became a thing but didn't make it public. I mean it's not like people would care anyway part from the girls who always drooled at Theo when he was writing notes about how he was going to kill someone, he never did work.

I never liked Theo like that, i felt bad, i really did, he just wasn't the one. But that's what i thought, it was hard trying to act like u like someone.

In the back of my mind i tried to force myself to like him but it just never happened, we broke up for like 2 days because he knew i still had feeling for draco.

We eventually got back together again because i let him finally fuck the shit out of me in the malfoy manor kitchen.

Yes yes, i know it's Draco house but who gives a fuck. We all knew voldemort's headquarters was. We didn't get caught surprisingly.

You shouldn't of seen Dracos face though, when i turned up to one of the meeting, were all the death eaters gathered, his poor little heart looked like it was going to break, good.

As i said it's August 2nd. I'll give you the answer no me and draco aren't dating, i hate him soooo much.

You probably thought me and him would end up together but no. He broke me so it was my turn to break him.

He caught me and Theo kissing after the meeting, he tried to get me of him but i just did the little evil laugh, yeh you may think i'm hells insane, probably because i am.

I continued kissing the boy i didn't like, well that's what i thought.

Draco ended up leaving us alone when theo ripped my sleeve to show Draco the dark mark he was shocked. He has conversations to me telling me i should never i join it, look what i did though.

Not only was that it but he saw me walking down the hall to the other end of the manor which was restricted and was for theo and his father, i was aloud though, voldemort liked me.

He grabbed my wrist telling me he was sorry and me and theo was already in a 5 month relationship. I told him i loved mattheo and there was nothing he could do about it.

He told me the real reason why he had to not be with be.

His father found out and apparently i was to much of a distraction to his work.

Distraction, makes me sound like a filthy whore. It comes out of theo's lips much better.

You see me and draco stopped talking no contact for a year april 6th the next year, no word came out his mouth, he seemed happy though with pansy, we all knew it was going to happy. See i say that but i could kill the bitch, but i understand why he would go for he, she's fit.

Me and Theo had been together for a year, he brought a house with his fathers money and i stayed with him as my parents were being dickheads and screamed at me for joining Voldemort. Ahhh oh well.

The amount of times we've fucked in that house is unreal.

Voldemort liked me because i was making Theo more powerful some how, i was becoming more like him and of course he wanted to be more eviler so he just kept growing and growing.

I would say he had a tiny soft spot, you would get these rare moment when he would hugs me and whisper in my ear telling me how gorgeous i was cute simple things. The soft spot turned off and he went back to the devil but he would keep the compliments sly and would only call me sexy, hot and fuckable. I loved it, i tamed him and he's fine.

Now i say all this shit about Voldemort loving me but that stopped 2 years of loving his son and of course getting fucked by him, i ended up getting pregnant. I didn't realise until the 4th month and i couldn't get an abortion.

I'm glad i didnt know or voldemort would of made me get an abortion, i'll tell you now though this kids not born yet and i already love her so much.

9 Months that's all it takes to carry a child.

Theo was amazing, one downfall voldemort hated was that Theo was becoming less evil and he was being back to how he was when i first met him maybe even warm hearted.

He would speak to little riddle every night and kiss me, i loved it.

I imagined she would look exactly like him part from my blue eyes and her brown curly hair.

We decided to call her Kayda a lot of meaning behind the name. In Japanese it mean "looks like a little dragon" Of course i wanted my daughter to grow up strong and stick up for herself, only problem is i want her to make her own choices and i don't know how her grandad is going to feel out that

it took like 5 months to update my bad

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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