Pregancy 🤰🏼

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It's 6 o'clock in the morning and I wake up to the fresh air drifting threw the window, I look about and see Draco laying beside me on his front with his hand on my fat stomach.

I've now got one week until the due date and my stomach is massive and looks like I'm going to pop, me and Draco are having a baby girl and we've both decided on what we are gonna call her.

Draco's back muscles tense before he turns over towards me, taking of his hand and opens his eyes and smile.

"Morning baby," I say playing with his hair.

"Hey precious, how's my two favourite girls doing?" He smiles looking at my stomach.

"We are good, thank you," he crawls closer to my stomach and kisses it softly multiple of times.

"Good morning, Moony. Hope your not being naughty in their, be good to mummy because she is gonna be the best mummy ever, but also be a bit naughty because your gonna be a Slytherin in 12 years time and your gonna be the best one, you're going to be better than daddy, I love you very much I'll see you tonight."

He gets back up and I smile, we've decided to name her Moon. 

He gives my a quick kiss on the lips and wonders of downstairs. I stroke my stomach wondering what my little princess is gonna turn out like and what she's gonna look like is she gonna have platinum blonde hair like her father or is she gonna have Y|H|C hair like me?

He comes back in the room and gives brings me a boiling water with a lavender tea bag.

"Thank you," I smile at him.

He looks back at me before getting into bed and I turn to my side, he turns to his side and I look at him in the eyes.

"Your so beautiful what did I do to deserve someone like you!" He says holding my cheek.

"Well, we did fall in love in Hogwarts and then you saved me from Voldemort, nearly got yourself killed, did I ever tell you you're so fucking hot!" I say looking at him giggling a bit.

He stares at me and a smiles appears on his face.

"Your gonna be the best mummy ever," he says moving his hand down to my stomach.

"Really? Have you seen the state of me? But to be fair your gonna be the best daddy ever." I smile at him getting up and dipping the tea bag into the boiling water.

"How do you drink that stuff it reeks!" Draco says holding his nose getting up from under the covers.

"What! It makes me relaxed, plus she's starting to kick a lot me." I say looking at my stomach.

"The pain you and your dad put me threw!" I say trying to hold back the laughter,

"The only pain I put you threw is when we first had se-,"

"Shut the fuck up Draco!" I say before he says it,

"You're acting like I'm Harry Potter," I look at him.

"Haha very funny." I say sarcastically taking a sip of my tea.

Me and potter didn't have a good history in Hogwarts, I was a Slytherin and he no longer wanted to be friends with me and I had become best friends with Blaise Zabini and then Draco. So he decided to hate the guts out of me but I still liked him as a friend but then it started to grow on me that he was a prick.

Draco rubs my leg and stares at me, "get dressed, we are going out!" He looks at me smiling.

"Let me finish this first and have breakfast." He looks at me and goes into the bathroom.

I finish the tea and get the duvet of me and I'm still absolutely tired as a barley got any sleep because of the little terror.

I get up slowly and feel a sharp pain from my stomach. I scream in pain.

"Ahh, dracooo!" I lean over the bed breathing heavily and he comes out of the bathroom.

"I..I- think she's coming!" I try and stay calm and he sends a letter quickly to the doctor to tell her to come quick.

"Lay down baby!" I looks at me rubbing my back trying to comfort me.

My water breaks and makes the floor soaking wet and my Pyjamas.

"Draco can you get a towel and my pyjama bottoms!" I say breathing really heavily, I'm now into labour and it's exactly 7 in the morning.

He passed them too me and help me change. He Magic the floor to be dry and the a loud knock comes from the door,

"The house elf's will bring her up it's fine, just breath honey!" He says smiling at me and rubbing my back.

The women rushes upstairs with her wand and makes everything appear what she needs.

(Im not going to go into detail with the whole giving birth)

It's no the next day at 3:54pm and Moon Malfoy was born at 2:30pm, she's now a day old and my bump is still their but gone down a little bit, she's got blue eyes but you will be able to see what colour eyes she properly when she gets older and she's got lots of platinum blonde hair just like her dad.

I'm currently laying in bed feeding her and she's the cutest little thing ever.

We spent most of yesterday of me trying to push her out and she weighs 6.74 pounds.

She's tiny and I'm happy she's with us, Draco was great support and it makes me emotional of how supportive he was, he's the best daddy ever so far and it's so cute when I see them two together.

"You okay baby?" Draco comes in shutting the door behind him.

"I can't be more happy," I say look up at him, he sits next to me and kisses my head, "you did so well," he smiles.

"She's the cutest little thing ever, look at her hair, she's gonna look like you!" I say smiling at him and I slowly take the bottle out of her mouth and start to wind her.

"Can I hold her after you've done that?" He says smiling.

"Why you asking she's your kid too," I look at him kissing him.

I finish winding her and give her to Draco. He comes to the other side of the bed and sit down.

"I'm gonna go have a shower." I look at him getting up.

"Yay daddy and daughter bonding time," I look at them and smile and walk into the bathroom.

I walk out of the bathroom with a towel rapped round my body and I see Moon laying asleep in Draco's arms.

"You got her to sleep?" He nods at me.

"You must have some magic powers," I start changing and and came sat next to him.

"Your such a good daddy baby," I say looking at him.

"So does this mean we get alone time for an hour or more?" He looks at my getting up and putting her in her crib.

I nod smiling and he kisses me holding onto my waist.

This sounded so muggle of me writing this like yes, I like this more than it turned out that I planned it, yes I plan what Ima right from now on like I've got 5 imagines in my draft with all notes that I need to make into one and post
Comment if you have any requests as I'm happy to make some, but lemme take this weekend to do my homework for school and right the rest of the images so the request might take some time but I'll focus more on the request than my normal ones ✌️

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