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Regulus walked out of the great hall a bit after James but decided to hide a bit not wanting James to see him eavesdropping.

He finaly made it to where James and Lily had walked off to and he saw Lily clearly angry yelling at James.

"so if you don't love me anymore tell me and stop dragging me on!" Was all he could make out before he saw Lily walk away. James walked away too but Regulus could figure out where he was going.

He ran up to the astronomy tower behind James. When he finally made it up there he could see James sitting on the edge crying.

"James?" Regulus put his hand on James' shoulder and sat down beside him.

James put his head on Regulus' shoulder still quietly crying.

"I don't know what to do Reggie. Everything is going to shit and I can't figure out why"

"Do you mean Lily?"

"I mean Lily and Sirius and the fact that I can't figure out why you just being here can make me feel so much better!"

Regulus gaped didn't say anything he only put his hand through James' hair slowly petting his head.

"It's okay James"

"Where the hell did he go?!" Sirius was getting frustrated trying to find James after the whole Lily debacle he thought James could use some comforting.

"Sirius love calm down" Remus and Peter were trailing a bit behind trying to calm down Sirius but still being worried for James.

"No Moony I will not calm down because Prongs is now missing after telling the love of his life that he may not love her anymore!"

Remus could've figured that one out awhile ago. It was pretty clear he had something going on with Regulus but he didn't want to stress him out by telling him he knew.

Though he probably should've told James, Lily must be so hurt by this and she's not stupid she could clearly see the signs for a while now.

"Fucking Reg man this is probably his fault." This caused Remus to stop.

"What do you mean by that?" He forgot that Sirius isn't stupid either.



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