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James looked around where Kreacher had apparated them, it was a beach, cold and windy, waves were crashing against a rocky beach. The ocean should've been pretty but considering the circumstances James didn't really enjoy the view.

"Follow me Master Regulus" Kreacher blatantly ignored James since he appeared in the Black manor, once in awhile mumbling stuff about blood traitors or some shit. James followed slightly behind the two as they walked up to a cave, Kreacher brought them in the cave to an opening, "this is where The Dark Lord brought Kreacher"

Regulus turned to James, "you know you can't follow me past here..." James nodded walking up to Regulus.

"I know... Be safe okay?" He grabbed Regulus' cheek bringing them close enough to feel eachothers breath, Regulus closed the gap between them in a slow kiss, he knew the mission probably would lead too his death, even with James there.

They pulled away with sad smiles before Kreacher took Regulus further into the cave their figures disappearing from James' view.

"Master Regulus!" James jumped up from the rock he had been sitting on, he knew Regulus had told him not to go but he couldn't stand to let anything happen to him.

He quickly ran down the cave's thin path, hearing Kreachers wails echo through it, he had to be faster.

He ran into an opening, one with a dark body of water, the only things he could focus on was the crying Kreacher in the corner, and the lack of Regulus.

"Where the fuck is Regulus" Kreacher wailed louder as James frantically ran up to him.

"Kreacher tried to save Master Regulus, Master Regulus shouldn't have drank the potion, Kreacher was supposed to drink the potion" James looked around the empty cave for any clues because Kreacher wasn't giving him shit.

"Kreacher... where the fuck is Regulus" Kreacher pointed shakily towards the dark coloured lake.

"Master Regulus was pulled down by the inferi Kreacher tried to save him he tried!" James stood up before running up to the lake, trying to see past the black colour of the water.

"Fuck please don't be dead"


Hahahhahahahhahahahhahahahah 🥲

Ok so like how the fuck do you end this?! Like no joke I had an idea but then fucking Voldemort ruined it by existing

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