Stage 11: Having Feelings and Emotions Hurts

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I sigh and think of how much time I have before I had to get back to Iimura and Amanda. An hour? Maybe two? I push the thought out of my mind and just keep floating toward the sound of water. I need a shower. I also need a drink. I never knew how many things I could do and want with water since now. I pick up my speed with these new thoughts in mind.

A low lying branch whacks me in the face, but I just mutter a curse under my breath and continue forward. The sound of splashes and crashes gets louder and louder, making me smile widely. It hasn't even been twenty minutes, but I'm already close to finding water for us. And Jett probably caught sight of a new, shady, and cool place for us to rest at. This can't get better.

I let go of the air with a sigh, and the loss of that much wind made me feel like I was being suffocated. I calmly take a big, but shaky, breath in, easing me of any life threatening situations. My feet lightly graze the ground at first, then I am dropped, stumbling since my feet weren't used to the ground after flying for so long.

I push away the lush vegetation, quickly drawing back my hand away when I notice a spider's web resting on it. The back of the waterfally was now in sight; I could easily spot the white foam at the bottom. When I get right beside the mossy rocks, I hear the sound of a girl-supposedly one that was weeping. Or laughing, I always get the sound of those two mixed up. I crouch (as if that'd help hide me) and inch closer to the girl until I could clearly see her sleek blanket of black hair covering her whole body, her pale hands hidden under the mass, most likely to hold her tears.

I froze. I just noticed that I was standing in plain sight. The thick bushes that once shielded my right were now gone, leaving me with only the pouring water on the other side. I scroll through my choices: A) ask girl if she's okay, B) run like hell back to camp, C) quietly get the water and-oh shit.

I don't have anything to hold the water in.

My pulse quickens. Steady breaths Kei, in and out. I return back to my normal heatbeat. Obviously choice B was the best, and not to mention safest and smartest, option. I slowly back back into the leaves. Only a few more steps....

"Hey! I hear you! Show yourself!" The girl lifts her head and reveals ember orange eyes that were surrounded by pink puffiness from the crying. She immeadiatly catches me and her face contorts into a snarl. "What are you doing here? Mere mortals aren't supposed to be here." She sighs, releasing the stress from her body. A warm, welcoming smile creeps onto her face, but is quickly washed away with a roll of her eyes. "I guess I hafta kill you, no offense. It's just that your presence is not welcome nor appreciated. Not only are you not allowed here, you also caught know. No one has ever seen me do that."

"I'm not-"

"Shut. Up. If you don't scream then maybe I'll make your death quicker and less painful. Then again, with my powers, I can't really kill you without a large-and I mean large-amount of pain."

That's when I recognize the flaming eyes, the long hair, the porcelain skin. "You're Lynn. You're the Creator's daughter, and you can control emotion." Lynn laughs, not with joy however, but in a mocking way. It's as if she were taunting me without words 'You just noticed? You really are useless.' A pang of sadness hits me like a wrecking ball.

Lynn suddenly changes back to her bright, cheery grin. "What's your name little peasant?" I ignore her insult and instead explain to her why I need her to come back with me, but she doesn't listen.

"I said, what. is. your. name. peasant." Her eyes now glare at me.

"Kei-Keilani," I stammer out, the power in her eyes bringing me fear. I would just love to die right here, right now. Tears are pouring out of my eyes and I now kneel at Lynn's feet. "Please..please oh great, take mercy?" I squeak. What is wrong with me? I may be (I admit) a coward, but I would never hurt my pride as much as I am now. I look up to see Lynn smirking down at me. Of course. She is playing with my emotions.

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