Stage 24: And There It Goes

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"Oh, and I see you've brought company. Welcome Keilani, Amanda, Iimura, Jett," he says, and with each name he nods at us. He then looks at his two daughters. "I assume you've come for Lillia, have you not."

Stina takes a step forward, one eyebrow raised. She crosses her arms over her chest and says, "Even if we were, do you think we'd confide that information with you?" She shakes her head. "But no, we're not."

She's lying, but the creator doesn't seem to notice.

"Is that so," he says with a hum. "Then what is it you've come here for?"

"Nothing of your concern."

"Now if you could leave," says Lynn, "that would be fantastic."

The creator's eyebrows pinch together, and just as he's about to retort, I stand in front of the sisters.

"Pardon," I say mockingly, "but may you please exit the room? There is a door behind you. If needed, I could assist you out."

The creator simply chuckles. "Alright. I'll be back in a few minutes."

And before we get to say anything else, he slams the door behind him.

"Could've been smoother," Iimura whispers to me. Her lips are turned in a small smile.

"I'm not the best with words," I say remorsefully, "as you could tell."

She nervously laughs. "Yeah. But at least you fixed it. That's the greatest part."

"Found it!" Stina shouts with glee. She triumphantly holds a rock above her head, and the three of us stare at her in disbelief.

"We came all this way," Amanda said slowly, "for a rock?"

"Nonono; this isn't just any ordinary rock," Stina says dreamily, turning the gray object around in her hand.

"Ohhhhh it's not?" Jett asks sarcastically. "Pray tell, than what kind of rock is it? Is it a," he gasps, "magic rock? Did fairies come and sprinkle their fairy dust on it?"

Stina glares at him, then she raises her arm upward in a swooping motion to all of us. I feel something in my head, and when it leaves, I suddenly know why the rock is important. All the sisters had a rock, and each of the rocks were enchanted to let the sisters find each other if they were ever lost. It was a rock since no one would ever assume a rock would hold such powerful means.

"Why didn't you bring it with you in exile?" I question.

Both Stina and Lynn scoff. "Do you think we'd be that stupid to forget it?" Lynn asks, shocked that we'd judge her so lowly, "We weren't aware that we were going to be sent away. The three of us were practicing our powers in the other room when these guards came and took us...who knows where. They had blacked us out in the process. We weren't in our rooms and weren't given time to get supplies, so we couldn't get our stupid rocks." I felt my anger levels rising, but since I knew I had no reason to get mad, I assumed it was just Lynn.

"Lynn," Stina says softly, "calm your tits. Please."

She glares at Stina, but obliges anyway. I feel my "anger" slowly fading away.

"You kids..." trails off Jett, holding in a laugh. "Tits? Seriously?"

"You're just jealous Jett," retorts Manda. She smirks. "You don't even have a dick."

He playfully wraps his arm around her neck in a headlock, but Manda elbows him in the stomach and escapes.

"How would you know Manda?" asks Mura with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

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