Stage 36: The End

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I stare at a blank wall for what seems like forever. I run and throw myself at the door, but to no avail. I'm definitely not going to get out of this room on my own; I may have magic, but not the element of earth. I close my eyes and slump to the white tiles. I think of Zach, and how much I want to be there with him. Tears run down my face as Zach's face shows up in my head. I can't have another person be put in danger for me. Zach could die. I'm not going to keep killing the ones I love.

I rock back in forth, my eyes squeezing shut. I slam my back rhythmically on the door. I think of myself telling Zach to let me out, and me showing up beside Zach, saving him instead of him always saving me.

"You're a monster!"

I open my eyes, and I'm sitting a few yards behind Zach. How could I have missed this magic perk before? I quickly get on my feet and run towards Zach, who had been kept at gunpoint by the Creator. Neither man had noticed me yet; the creator's magic of sight must be dwindling away.

"And you're not a father."

Zach opened his mouth and screams. Beautiful red orange ribbons of flames shot from Zach's mouth, and hit the creator's face. The creator's face turns black, and his cries are quickly silenced. There is no sound in the room other than our heavy breaths.

"Is he . . . dead?" I ask stupidly.

"Yeah," Zach says in a breathless voice. The corner of his mouth tilts slightly. "We did it."

"We didn't have to kill him," I whisper. My body slowly gravitates towards him, and we end up in an embrace.

"I know, I know. I lost myself." We stand there for ages, arms intertwined with each other and our hearts connected.

"So, you're kind of magic?"

I laugh. "Yeah, kind of."


I grab Zach's face and bring his lips towards mind. I don't know what I'm thinking, but this just feels right. Zach is right.

"Woah," he says breathlessly. He smiles goofily at me. "If you wanted a kiss earlier, you could've just asked."

I roll my eyes and punch him in the shoulder.


"Where have you two been this whole time?" Mura asks accusatorily. "Do you know how worried we have been?"

Lyn and Stina greet the group nervously.

"What the freaking hell are they doing with you guys," Manda deadpans. "Did you go to the Pearl? Of course you freaking went to the Pearl, you psychos."

"Okay, but why didn't I get to go along?" Jett asks with a mock pout. "In all seriousness though, why?"

"Jett, they brought back the tattoo artists."

"What artists?"

"Kei's artists."

"Wait what the hell why are Lyn and Stina here?"

"Oh my god, you idiot."

Manda slaps Jett on the back of his head. He rubs it and pouts at her, but she only raises an eyebrow to him.

"Get them away," Mura says, "We could all be hurt."

"No you guys, they had been brainwashed," I say tiredly, "The Creator did it. He admitted it to Zach and I."

"And Kei forgot to mention that the Creator is dead." Zach winces. "Sorry girls."

"Whatever. He was never our father anyway," Stina says as she crosses her arms. "Anyway, we wanted to talk to to guys about something. Since our father is dead, as is our mothers and sister, Lyn and I are now in charge of the Pearl. We would like you guys to help us control the land and whatnot. Have you noticed that there aren't very many adults? Apparently there was some Great Separation in the past, and ones with magic refused to give birth in case the child was impure. We could create a wonderful, thriving society here, not just a school for teenagers. We could be the start of something bigger."

"We could give back the memories, and let the roads between these roads be open to all," Zach chirps.

"But we needed the Creator to bring people in and out of our world," Lyn pointed out. "We don't have his magic."

"I have magic," I say softly. "I could do it."

"That's impossible. You're a novice," Lyn says unbelievingly. "Our best shot is to live as we are, and build on what we have."

"Kei can do it," Manda says strongly, "I have absolutely no idea what you're saying, but I trust Kei. I want to go home with my memories, and I'm not the only one."

"I guess we have a lot to do," Stina says. She looks a bit overwhelmed. I walk over and put an arm around her.

"We can do this. Together."

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