Stage 2: Explain Yourself

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Luz comes up to me, smiles, then leads me to a huge, paradise-like room, filled with people. There are waterfalls, a meadow, a bonfire, a mountain, and bright white clouds lining the ceiling. These features are not real of course, but apparently they were man made to imitate them, which explains why so many terrains fit together so easily. I see people controlling small parts of certain areas; I guess I can control one too.

A man with black hair, even though he looks 60, enters the room in long strides and evaluates the people with sweeping glances. When people notice him, they quickly sit cross-legged on the floor. I follow everyone else and sit down. Next to me an Asian girl nudges me. She looks pretty, with perfect features and a bobbed haircut. She wears the same outfit as I do. "Do you know who that is?" she whispers to me.

"Not a clue." I smile at her. She grins back at me.

"My name is Iimura. Iimura Maroaqua. At least, that's what my guide told me."

"Keilani Vuair." She doesn't remember her name either? "Yeah, it's weird isn't it? That we don't remember our names?" She nods in agreement, then puts one finger to her mouth and points to the man. He starts to talk.

"Hello. If you are not a new student, you are excused from this vicinity. About 50 people stand up and leave. As the last student leaves, the man clears his throat. "Welcome children. I am sure your guide has informed you about the Pearl. So, I will tell you what the rules are. You may not be outside your dorms at past midnight. You may stay in other students' dorms, but you may not be outside at this time. If you are caught, you will face severe punishment. You must also listen to your guide; they know what is best for you. You..."

I start to braid a tiny section of hair in the front of my face. When I look up, I see that other people are also getting restless, but the man seems to not notice or not care. I see Iimura take out a crumpled napkin from her pocket and begin to fold it in random ways. I snap back to the conversation. "Your classes will begin tomorrow, so you have time to settle in today. You can only control natural items. You will all excel at controlling one specific thing, such as rocks, leaves, and sand. Some of you might excel at controlling larger things than others. For example, someone can control earth while someone controls rocks. These people are rarer than others, but they do not get any special treatment because they are not special. I will now announce something that may alarm you, but please don't worry." I nudge Iimura, who is restarting her folds, and nod in the direction of the man.

"Your last names will match the skill you will be best at. They were made for you after the Diagnosis. But don't worry, when you are finished with your training, you will have the option of changing into your original name, or keeping the one that we've given you." I hear several gasps, and murmurs start like wildfire around the room. They've brainwashed us.

"Well that was strange..." Iimura says with her eyes full of shock. "Side effects my butt; my guide is such a liar. Though I must say, she's pretty good at it."

I am one of the only people how aren't awestruck right now as we all walk to our guides. I mean, I'm not being insensitive or anything, but when everyone forgets something they've had for their whole life, it's obvious that someone went peeking around our minds and threw a few things out. It's just common sense people.

Luz grins at me when I walk to her. "How come you aren't surprised right now?" I grin back at her.

"It's pretty suspicious when everybody loses their head about something like their name. I just think that it is kind of obvious."

Luz leads me to my room. It is sky blue and white, two of my favorite colors. Seriously, I need these people's technology. "Thank you," I say to Luz as she starts to close the door.

"No problem. Oh, I almost forgot. We are starting training in an hour, so change into something from the drawer. I'll get you when it's time."


Luz leaves and I lock the door behind her. I go over to the drawer and pick out a plain white loose tank top with light blue baggy shorts while I think about my power. Well, my last name is apparently Vuair, so air I guess. I scramble to think of Iimura's last name. It was Mur-no, Maro...oh yeah Maroaqua. I groan as I figure out that she is an aqua water power or something I guess, so I won't be training with her. I just finish training as Luz knocks on the door. I open the door and follow her down the hall.

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