Stage 3: Awkward Turtle (a.k.a. me)

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I walk into a room that has green grass as far as the eye can see. Above are blue skies and big white clouds. There is a man, about Luz's age, standing in the center with other people surrounding her. Luz whispers to me, "I think you're late. It's okay though, Rick is a nice guy." I silently nod and hurry over to the group. Their eyes follow me as if I've murdered someone. I inwardly shudder and take one of the only empty seats on the grass next to a boy with sandy colored hair and dramatic green eyes. He's wearing a loose white t-shirt which...ew am I checking this guy out?! Not that he's like ugly or any - you know never mind.

I force down the rising blush and face my trainer, who is apparently named Rick. He smiles warmly at all of me and says, "Ah! Late on the first day newbie?" I start to say something, but he cuts me off with,"It's fine, but you missed most of the class' intros."

"I had a hard time picking out clothes." I replied in a sarcastic tone. The whole class starts to chuckle, including Rick.

"Yes, the choices are all equally magnificent. All those whites and light blues. Now we should get back to the task at hand. Who's next?" A small girl with pale skin and jet black hair raises her hand while standing up. She keeps her mouth in a straight line and looks around the room with a sweeping gaze.

"My name is Amanda Rosecloud. I am 16." She takes a seat. Rick clears his throat and asks her what her hobbies were.

"I like to study homicide. It's fascinating." I laugh out loud to myself since I'm a loser with no friends. Then 'guy who sits next to me who I do not know and therefore wasn't checking out' chuckles softly as well.

"She seems like very interesting person." I murmur to him. He grins.

"Yeah, but I don't really think time alone with her would be good for my safety and health." I laugh again, since I have no creative mind and will keep laughing for my entire social life.

I do my intro, and learn out the guy's name is Zach. Not that it mattered or that I even-ugh I'm making this very hard on myself.

After everyone does their introductions, I find myself walking over to Amanda. Don't start with questions why; I don't even know myself.

"Hey, your name is Amanda right?" I say with way too much perkiness. I tone my voice down to make me sound normal. "So homicide then. That's actually hilarious, not that I'm making fun of your hobbies or anything."

"Thanks. People usually don't talk to me since they think I might pull out a chainsaw and cut off their heads. But I'd never do that. Too young. Maybe when we're older." I widen my eyes, but Amanda chuckles softly and grins at me. "I'm kidding."

I grin. Crazy psychotic person and I would get along well. "Would you lend me a chainsaw sometime? Maybe we could use them to fence!" Amanda raises one eyebrow.

"Okay." Then she extends a hand. I shake it. "To the future champion chainsaw fencer people!" She raises her voice slightly as she said this.

"En garde!" I reply with a laugh. Oh see, there my awkward laugh is again. I lift my head just in time to see Amanda smile once again.

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