Stage 5: Goin places (too many places)

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Iimura and I huddle together in a little corner, far away from the other ten people that also made it. We stayed there, neither of us uttering a word, but still comforting the other. It's amazing how even though I only knew Iimura for a few days, we're already as close as sisters.

"Okay! Sappy time over! Keilani, go." I glare at the official person and purposefully walk into him as I go to the door. I took a long breath in. When I feel like I'm about to suffocate, I exhale. My hand makes its way to the door handle. I roll my eyes at my nervousness and push through, not looking back.
"Okay, okay. You got this Kei. You got this," I tell myself in a shaky voice. Each step I take makes the floor creak. I take another deep breath, and close my eyes, remembering what my teachers taught me in my classes. A few moments later, the space around my ankles feel cool.

As I look down, I see a circular platform of moving air under my feet. I gape in wonder. Woah. I never even learnt how to do anything like that. We just learned how to do tiny air ball things with our hands. I grin. This will be so much fun. I fly around the area, searching for an opening to the Then, an idea popped into my head. Iimura found her place by using her aquatic awesomeness.

So if I'm gonna find mine, I'll need to look in places where I would need to use my powers.

I lifted myself up into the air, near the roof. What I saw made me gasp. A hole, big enough to fit a person, shone with light against the night sky. I squeezed myself through, making sharp edges scrape my skin. When I made it through, I immediately checked the scrapes. They weren't as deep as I thought they would be. I sighed in relief.

"Hey newbie." A guy with jet black hair and a cocky grin waves me over to the little group of people, which wasn't that big considering it was just him, the officials, and another person whose face I couldn't quite decipher. "The name's Jett by the way." Wow, his name sure did fit his looks. "Yeah, I get told that a lot." He smirks at me. Wait what? Did I say that out loud?

"Heh heh, yeah," was my amazing response. I evaluate the other person in more detail. It was Amanda, and I wasn't that surprised since that girl was pretty kick butt. I run over to her so that I could avoid talking to anyone else.

Typical me.

"Hey Amanda." I smile at her, and she returns it to me, only much more subtle. "So how did you get up here?" She blushes.

"Er...I just climbed. No air stuff. Please don't tell those important looking people over there though; they'd kick me out." I chuckle (jeez that makes me sound so old) and teases her some more until the "important looking people", as Amanda put them, finally come over to us.

"You children are magnificent. The highlight of your section. You've used your powers to come here, when you've never even learned them clearly at all." We all grin, but Jett speaks out.

"Of course we are 'magnificent'. Well I know I am. I don't know about them..." He trails off, and looks toward us. Mainly at me to make me feel even more awkward, but yeah. I simply give him a glare. He's going to get a taste of my magnificence later. Apparently the leader people think he was also being rude, and help me stare him down. He pretends to be unaffected, but one of his hands were slightly trembling. And it was about a million degrees out.

"Anyways," the person says,"we are people sent to meet you here so you won't cry for your mama when you're all alone." If we even remembered her. Everyone except him cringes. He notices and looks confused. An older woman whispers something into his ear, making him slowly hang his head in shame. "Sorry. But anyway, we are simply here to take you to headquarters. There will be no small talk nor questions. Understood?" We nodded. Well, two of us did. One scoffed. They herd us into the helicopter as if we were jail prisoners instead of kids who just witnessed a public stampede. We are silent the whole ride, each way deep inside our thoughts.
"We're here." I feel a hand smack my face. I automatically throw on an annoyed look at the person, which just so happened to be Jett.

"Amanda, it's all good see? She's alive." I kick him in the shin as I stand up. Amanda tries to hold in a laugh.

"Whoopsies." As I pass Amanda, we fist bump, then clasp our hands together. Walking down the ramp was hard, since the thing was practically at a ninety degree angle. After a while (aka five steps), I stop moving altogether, making Amanda stop with me. I look at her and a smile slowly makes its way all over my tired face.

"Screw it." I planted my butt down on the ramp and lifted my legs slightly up. Amanda shrieks out of surprise and let's go of my hand. "Come on Amanda!" She rolls her eyes but does the same, and we end up on the ground at a record time. I turn around and see Jett sliding down as well. Copycat. I turn to face the "headquarters". My jaw dropped. It looked wonderful, but not like "ooh there's a rainbow" wonderful. It was more...intricate. Complicated. More of it looked cold, dangerous, intimidating. My grip on Amanda's hand tightened, making sure we were together when we entered what might be the worst thing to ever barge into my life.

Yello! I'm so sorry for not updating sooner; I had this writing block. So yeah, I'm sorry if this chapter was crappy (heh it was don't kid yourself Christina) and all that other bad stuff in here. Also, what do you think of Jett? He's the character I was talking about in my Q and A (ya no duh) so there you go Keilani. Kei and Zach or Kei and Jett? I'm not saying who I ship, but...yeah never mind no hinties.

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