4 | potions

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lorenzo berkshire

Potions. It's cool, but not with Prof.Snape. I swear that dude had no emotions nor expressions—makes it hard to read his face.

I stood near a table with Y/N. Our friendship is a roller coaster—up and down. It's quite funny actually, one day we had a dagger in each other's throat ( thanks to Mattheo's knives ) and the next day we were laughing together.

I guess you could say we were bipolar with each other—quite literally.

"Today we will learn the Oculus potion, does anyone know what it is?" He raised a brow.

No one placed their hand up except Hermione, top student I say.

As usual, he ignored her and tried to find someone else. This guy and his hatred towards the Golden Trio.

"No body? Hmm. Disappointing." Everyone stayed quite until Y/N piped in.

"Hermione had her hand up sir," he froze and turned to Y/N.

"Cameron. Surely you spoke because you want points to be taken off?" He asked with no expression

"No. I'm saying, why don't you search near Potter's group and maybe, just maybe you'll find someone's hand up and discover that you don't need to search for someone else—or do you need to drink the Oculus potion?" She answered back.

"When the fuck did you know about the Oculus potion?" I whispered to her. She rolled her eyes and ignored my question.

"So what exactly is the Oculus potion Miss Cameron?"

"It's a potion the restores eyesight to the drinker, including counteracting the effect of the Conjunctives Curse."

I choked on my spit and tried to contain my laugh. The whole class started to snicker. I gave her a high five under the table and smirked.

"10 points off because Miss Cameron talked back," he glared at Y/N, "and 5 points added because she knew the potion."

"So you gonna tell me when you knew the potion?" I leaned in her ear.

"Unlike some people, I do listen in class,"

— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —

We were about halfway into the making of the potion when me and Y/N argued.

"No! That's the wrong item, dumbass!" I looked at her in confusion.

"What do you mean wrong item?? It clearly says stewed mandrake," I argue back. I flip the page to the materials and pointed at the word 'stewed.man.drake.'

"Yeah but that's after the wormwood! Read the fucking instruction for fucks sake Enzo!" I scoff at her sentence and rolled my eyes.

"Well we wouldn't have argued if you just agreed to my system! You read the book out loud while I follow what you say!" At this point everyone was used to our constant rants, even Snape—he finds it rather enjoyable somehow.

"Hey, it's not my fucking fault you can't read to save your life." she scoffed. She took out the wormwood and shook it.

"Whatever." I was done with her. Fucking little miss problematic.

Y/N poured the wormwood into the potion and started mixing. Soon the potion turned to green then purple. While Y/N was scooping up the ground unicorn horn, I added the stewed mandrake and stirred. It turned brown—which isn't supposed to happen.

"Uh, Y/N?" I called in worry. She hummed in response and looked up. She saw our potion turn brown and glared at me.

"Enzo, what the fuck did you do?!"

"I added the mandrake!" I swung my hands around

Y/N panicked, "Enzo you stupid asshole, you're not supposed too!"

"You specifically said not to add it after the wormwood which I did!"

Y/N flipped the book and slapped her forehead, "And after the ground unicorn horn" she muttered. You're fucking kidding me. So she was yelling at me for nothing?!

"Merlin Y/N maybe you need the Oculus potio-" before I could finish my sentence, a loud bang went. We soon realised that our potion, exploded. Me and Y/N's face were covered in ash.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Y/N this is your fault," I walked to her and pointed at her chest.

"My fault? How is it MY fault when you didn't even read the book at all!"

"I would if you didn't hog it all the time!"

"You know there's an actual thing called fucking asking?" She yelled.

"ENOUGH!" Snape yelled breaking the tension between me and Y/N. I clenched my jaw while she clenched her fist.

"Both of you. Detention tonight." Great. First day back and I'm already getting detention, all because of her.




heyyy mamas—sapnap is getting to me omg.send help. pls.

little reminder:

I'm soo proud of you! You made it through the day <33 or the afternoon? but your so close darling, you can do it!

I'm always here if you need mkay? muah :-)


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